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Chapter34 名词和冠词;content;1. 名词的种类;普通名词的类别;2. 名词的数;2.1 专有名词的数;2.2 物质名词的数;当物质名词表示份数时,可数。 Our country is famous for tea. Two teas, please. 个别物质名词可以用于复数表示比原意范围更加广阔的意义。   The children are playing on sands. They were not allowed to fish in the near waters.;2.3 抽象名词的数;2.4 集体名词的数;2)某些有生命物的集体名词,如people, police, cattle, poultry(家禽), vermin(害虫), bacteria等,通常用作复数。 The police are investigating the crime. Such vermin as bugs and rats are hard to get rid of.;2.4 集体名词的数;2.5 不可数名词量的变化;2.6 不可数名词的量化表示;3. 名词的复数形式;1) 有些常用名词和外来词有不规则的复数形式,如: mouse; crisis; medium; stimulus; phenomenon mice; crises; media; stimuli; phenomena ;3.1 不规则的名词复数形式;3.1 不规则的名词复数形式;以-s结尾,但通常视为单数的词 1)某些学科的名称,多以-ics结尾 如:physics, mathematics, statistics, politics等 2)某些疾病的名称 如:measles, diabetes, AIDS, mumps, bronchitis等 ;3)某些游戏的名称 如:cards, darts, bowls, draughts/checkers (A.E), billiards等。 4) news,summons (传票)等虽以复数形式出现,但不表示复数意义的词 如:Good news goes on crutches;ill news flies apace. ;5)某些书名、报纸名、杂志名、地名、国名、组织名及建筑物名,虽以复数形式出现,但表示的是一个事物,所以谓语动词须用单数。 The Arabian Nights is a very interesting story-book. When was the United Nations established? ;以-s 结尾,通常视为复数的词 1)由两部分构成的物体的名称,如: The scissors are dull. But they are my only pair. 注意:如果这类名词前用了a pair of等,则往往视为单数。如: A pair of scissors is lying on the table.;2) 以-ings结尾的名词,如: All my belongings are in the bag. 3) 以复数形式出现有特殊意义的词,如: Philippine authorities are investigating the incident. Middle East peace talks are doomed to fail. 但也有少数仍视为单数,如: Hong Kong customs has participated in this project. ; 4. 名词所有格;4.1 名词所有格的形式;4.2 “’s”与 “of”两种所有格的区别;4)表示时间、距离、价格、国家城市等地方、集体或机构的名词之后也用’s所有格。 today’s newspaper China’s reform and opening-up;只能用“of ”的所有格形式 1)当名词后面跟有后置修饰语时 Do you know the opinion of the committee appointed a few days ago? 2)当名词是由“the+adj.”构成时 The rulers paid the least attention to the welfare of the poor. 3)当所有格结构表示同位关系时 the name of Kate;名词所有格除表示“所有关系”外,还可有一些特殊意义。如表示主动关系、被动关系、同位关系以及特征。 John’s gift to Mary was a watch.(主动/主谓关系) TV is bad for Children’s educatio


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