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Chapter 2 Verbs The main content:1. 后面可以跟ing形式的动词, 2.“动词+宾语+介词+ing 分词”结构,介词多为,或是“动词+宾语+ing”. 3.动词既能直接跟ing分词结构,也能直接带that 4. 可以跟不定式的动词. 5.动词即能直接跟不定式,又能跟that分句 6.动词可跟宾语+动词不定式 7.某些动词可以用,也可以用动词不定式 8.动词不定式的其他用法 1. 后面可以跟ing形式的动词 appreciate ,avoid ,acknowledge ,advise ,advocate ,anticipate ,burst out ,consider ,contemplate ,help ,can’t resist ,can’t stand ,defer ,delay ,deny ,detest ,dislike ,don’t mind ,discontinue ,enjoy ,envy ,escape ,excuse ,ensure ,evade ,face ,fancy ,favor ,finish ,forbid ,forgive ,facilitate ,feel ,like ,give up ,imagine ,involve ,include ,keep(on) ,leave off ,loathe ,mention ,mind ,miss ,pardon ,postpone ,practice ,put off ,permit ,ponder ,prevent ,quit ,resent ,report ,risk ,recall ,recollect ,recommend ,repent ,resist ,resume ,suggest ,stop ,tolerate ,understand admit,等,例如: 1 I can’t resist bargaining . 2 Carlos just missed being caught . 3 Please pardon my disturbing you . 4 We appreciate your inviting us to your party . 5 I hope you didn’t contemplate coming with us on this trip . 6 She said she had always detested seeing a bullfight . 7 They denied giving any further information to help the police . 8 I hope that by posting the final six pages now at mid-day I shall ensure your receiving them before the weekend proper . 2.其中有些动词不能直接带ing分词,是“动词+宾语+介词+ing 分词”结构,介词多为,或是“动词+宾语+ing” trick ,mislead ,shame ,surprise ,talk ,trap ,cajole ,keep ,blackmail,coerce ,deceive ,fool ,stop ,prevent ,hinder ,save ,dislike ,imagine,spend ,see ,appreciate ,ensure ,mind ,insist on等,例如: 1 He tricked her into marrying him by pretending that he was rich . 2 Don’t let his friendly words mislead you into trusting him . 3 I shamed him into returning the stolen money . 4 He sudden question surprised him into betraying himself . 5 Bob talked us into walking home with him . 6 She trapped him into admitting that he licked her . 7 Nothing would stop me from achieving my ambition . 8 There was nothing to prevent her from doing so . 9 What kept you


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