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如何让情境教学法在小学语文课堂中的应用价值得到充分体现中英文对照 How to make the application of the situational teaching method in primary school Chinese class value get fully embody the contrast in both Chinese and English 新课程的改革对小学语文的教学提出了新的要求,小学语文教学不再是传统的灌输式教学模式,而是强调老师与学生之间的互动,以此来激发学生的学习兴趣和学习热情。情景教学方法是一种有效的教学模式,能够提高师生之间的课堂活动,活跃课堂气氛,帮助小学生理解语文知识,加深记忆,提高语文课堂的教学效率。情景教学适应了我国教育事业的发展,是贯彻教育改革的有效途径之一。情景教学要求教师认真钻研教学内容,做好和学生之间的沟通,充分利用各种资源扩大学生的视野,增长学生的语文知识。实践证明,情景式的教学方法体现了现代化教育的思想。因此本文针对情景教学这一教学模式展开研究,分析情景教学方法在小学语文教学中的应用。 New curriculum reform puts forward new requirements for primary school Chinese teaching, Chinese language teaching in primary school is no longer the traditional force-feeding teaching mode, but emphasizes the interaction between the teacher and students, to stimulate students learning interest and learning enthusiasm. Situational teaching method is an effective mode of teaching, to improve the teachers and students between the class activities, active classroom atmosphere, to help students understand the language knowledge, deepen memory and improve the efficiency of Chinese classroom teaching. Situational teaching to adapt to the development of education cause in China, is one of the effective ways to implement education reform. Situational teaching requires teachers to study diligently the teaching content, and the communication between the students, make full use of various resources to expand the students field of vision, increase students language knowledge. Practice proves that the situation of the teaching method embodies the thought of modern education. So situational teaching is a teaching mode, this paper launches the research, analysis of the application of the situational teaching method in primary school Chinese teaching.   一、前言 One, foreword   面对新的社会环境,我国的教育制度进行了新的调整,教育改革要求小学生的教学模式得到改善,小学语文课堂中采用情景教学方法体现了我国教育改革的目的和意义。情景教学方法不同于传统的教学模式那样死板机械,无法发挥学生的想象力和创造力,无法实现课堂上老师和学生之间的有效互动,无法为学生创造良好的学习氛围,不利于现代教育教学的发展。情景式教学方法的优势就在于课堂上老师带领学生创造合适的情境,根据所学的知识联系现实生活,把学生引入到生动的活动场景中,学生们通过对情景的感知和


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