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第 38 卷 第 4 期 电力系统保护与控制 Vol.38 No.4 2010 年2 月 16 日 Power System Protection and Control Feb.16, 2010 一种新型 Buck 单周控制变换器 许振伟 (浙江工商大学信息与电子工程学院,浙江 杭州 310035) 摘要:基于单周控制器控制的 Buck 变换器具有很强的抗输入电压干扰能力,但抑制负载扰动能力较差、输出有稳态误差。 根据单周控制 Buck 变换器存在的主要问题,通过将单周控制器和一种类似滞环控制的非线性控制器组合起来形成一种新型 误差自适应单周控制器。该控制器根据输出误差的不同为单周控制器选择不同的参考信号,从而提高了变换器的动态响应性 能,比传统的单周控制器具有更好的动态性能以及指令跟踪能力。仿真结果证明了这种控制方法的有效性。 关键词:Buck变换器;单周控制;非线性控制器;误差自适应 A novel Buck converter based on one-cycle control XU Zhen-wei (Department of Information and Electronic Engineering ,Zhejiang Gongshang University ,Hangzhou 310035 ,China ) Abstract :The Buck converter based on one-cycle control has excellent line ripple cancellation capability .However ,its transient response is not satisfactory and in steady state it has output offset error .In this paper,a novel one-cycle controller is presented to improve the one-cycle control feature for Buck converters .The controller combines the one-cycle controller with a hysteretic-like non-linear controller .The role of the non-linear controller is to select the reference value for the one-cycle controller,due to the output error value,in order to make the response follow the reference faster .By this way ,the combined controller has better dynamics than that of traditional one-cycle controller .The results of the method have been approved by simulations . This work is supported by National Natural Science Foundation of Zhejiang Province(No.Y106669). Key words :Buck converter ;one-cycle controller ;non-linear controller ;error self-adaptive 中中中中中:TM615 文文文文文:A 文文文中: 1674-3415(2010)04-0098-05 抑制能力差的问题,需要将每个开关


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