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Chapter 4 Transport 国际货物运输 I. Time arrangement: totally 6 hours are to be allocated to study the chapter. II. Category of the chapter: theoretical and practical nature III. Learning objects and requirements: · to understand the expressions of transport in international trade · to learn some basic knowledge of transport in international trade · require students to remember all the terms and expressions · require students to speak out and interpret these expressions · require students to try to find some cases of transport in international trade IV. Organization, design and process of presentation 1. General introduction of text by teacher. Before the process, the teacher asks students if they have any difficult during the preview. 2. Divide students into 6 teams and ask them to interpret the whole text team by team rather than the teacher 3. The way of practice and presentation. 1) The class is divided into 6 teams with each team about 12 members. Each team is in charge of one passage for the understanding and interpretation. In each team, one student should read aloud the text and the other one should interpret. Each team and each member should practice one by one. The teacher should explain the key points again and correct the misunderstanding of each team. 4. Contents of the chapter: A. Ocean transport 1) Advantages and advantages of ocean transport 2) Major types of cargo vessels 3) Division of merchant vessels General procedures of ocean transport by liners 5) Shipping and forwarding agents: jobs for them 6) Freight rates:Supplement in Chinese 海运运费计算 1.班轮运价   (1)有关名词:1.基本费率(BASIC RATE),是指每一记费单位(如一运费吨)货物收取的基本运费。基本费率有等级费率,货种费率,从价费率,特殊费率和均一费率之分。班轮运费是由基本运费和附加费两部分组成。网址:http:/ 2.附加费(SURCHARGES):为了保持在一定时期内基本费率的稳定,又能正确反映出各港的各种货物的航运成本,班轮公司在基本费率之外,又规定了各种费用。中国海产网网址:   主要有:(1)燃油附加费(BUNKER SURCHARGE OR BUNKER ADJUSTMENT FACTOR--B.A.F.).在燃油价格突然上涨时加收.(2)货币贬值附加费(DEVALUATION SURCHARGE OR CURRENCY ADJUSTMENT FACTOR--C.A.F.).在货


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