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智 课 网 托 福 备 考 资 料 托福写作范文之老师的作用在逐渐减少-智课教育旗下 智课教育 本文和大家分享的是有关托福写作范文的内容,供考生参考使用, 希望大家可以提炼出自己的写作摸板。预祝考生能够考出好成绩。 托福写作范文一直是考生们关注的,如果同学们能够用心的去学习 借鉴一篇好的托福写作范文,你的托福写作水平肯定能够提升不少。本 期为大家整理了这篇托福写作范文:老师的作用在逐渐减少,一起来学 习吧。 托福写作范文题目 Teachers had a greater influence on young people in the past than they do today 托福写作范文 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Teachers had a greater influence on young people in the past than they do today. Teachers play an important role in a student’s life. They serve as role models and mentors to students. The role of a teacher in students’ lives has not changed much. Monday through Friday, students still go to school and spend a large amount of time interacting with their teachers. Teachers today, as in the past, continue to make a significant impact on students’ lives. First, the role of a teacher has gone largely unchanged for at least the past 60 years. Maybe a few classroom procedures have been altered and textbooks have of course been updated, but in general school schedules and the basic classes offered have not drastically changed. If schooling systems had adopted a radically different approach to education, I would say that I teachers’ roles might be different. This has not happened, and therefore I think the amount of influence a teacher has on a student has not altered much. Some might argue that technology has created a disconnection between teachers and students, but I think technology has only made the connection stronger. Technology has helped improve teachers’ lessons and enables teachers to reach out to students even more. Using technological tools like SmartBoards help make teachers’ lessons more effective, possibly making more students interested in school. Email is also something that helps teachers develop a stronger relationship with their students. If a student has a problem, they can easily co


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