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Three forms of packing: 1 Shipping packing:large packing/ outer packing, i.e. packing for transportation (运输包装,习惯上称外包装和大包装)运输包装不仅要起到防止货物运输途中受损的作用,同时,也应具备方便装卸,存储和防盗的功能。 2 Sales packing:small packing/ inner packing, i.e. packaging or sales packing (销售包装,习惯上称小包装或内包装)销售包装形式多样,用料各异,既要便于携带和使用,又要美观新颖达到促销的目的。) 3 Neutral packing:中性包装,它是在商品包装上既不注明生产国别、地名和厂名,也不注明原有商标和牌号的包装。中性包装分无牌中性包装和定牌中性包装。其目的是为了打破进口国所实施的关税与非关税壁垒或为了满足买方的特殊需求而采取的措施。 Packing marks Shipping Mark( 运输标志 ,也称 唛头”) Directive Mark( 指示性标志 ) Warning Mark( 警告性标志) Shipping marks consist of: 1) consignee’s code name 收货人或买方名称的英文缩写字母或简称 2) Reference No. 参考号,如运单号、订单号或发票号等 3) The port of destination 目的港 4) Numbers of the packed goods 包装货的数量 sometimes weight and dimensions. E.g. ABC Co.    94LAO602    NEW YORK    CTN/NOS.1—1500 Directive marks Directive marks are eye-catching figures and concise instructions concerning manner of proper handling, storing, loading and unloading, such as THIS SIDE UP, HANDLE WITH CARE. 指示性标志是针对一些易碎、易损、易变质的商品用醒目的图形和简单的文字提醒有关人员在装卸、搬运和存储时应注意的事项。 指示性标志 Handle with care This side up Keep dry / Keep away from moisture Keep away from heat Use no hooks Do not roll Do not please tread. Keep flat  Fragile 小心轻放 此面向上 防潮 防热 请勿倒挂 禁止翻滚 请勿踩踏 保持平放 易碎物品 请勿踩踏 Do not please tread. Warning marks Warning marks are obvious symbols or words to warn people against the hidden danger of inflammables, explosives and poisonous products, e.g. ACID—WITH CARE, EXPLOSIVE. 警告性标志是对一些易燃、易爆、有毒等危险品在其包装上清楚而明显地刷制的标志,以示警告。 11 爆炸品 explosives 不燃气体 non-inflammable gases Warning Mark 有毒物品 poisonous substances 易燃气体或易燃液体 inflammable gases or liquids 易燃固体 inflammable solids 放射性物品 radioactive substances 腐蚀性物品 corrosive substances Warning marks Dangerous goods 危险物品 Inflammable易燃的 Explosive易爆的 Poison有毒物品 13 How to design shipping marks? 14 Different Types of Packing 包(bale) 铁桶(iron drum) 塑料桶(plastic drum) 板条箱(crate) 纸箱(carton) 木箱(wooden case) 木桶(cask) 捆(bundle) 常用包装 木箱(wooden


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