复合绝缘子带电检测技术研究及应用现状 research and application status of live detection technique for composite insulator.pdfVIP

复合绝缘子带电检测技术研究及应用现状 research and application status of live detection technique for composite insulator.pdf

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复合绝缘子带电检测技术研究及应用现状 research and application status of live detection technique for composite insulator

复合绝缘子带电检测技术研究及应用现状 电工电气 (20 3 No.6) 复合绝缘子带电检测技术研究及应用现状 1 2 3 李世林 ,李特 ,张湘 (1 永嘉县供电局,浙江 永嘉 325100; 2 浙江省电力公司电力科学研究院,浙江 杭州 310014; 3 自贡电业局,四川 自贡 643000) 摘 要:随着复合绝缘子在电力系统中的广泛应用,其引发的事故逐渐增加,通过带电检测技术实时 检测绝缘子状态显得极为重要。总结了复合绝缘子憎水性和局部缺陷的带电检测技术,包括憎水性指示 函数法、红外法等方法,对各种技术的检测原理、适用范围及优缺点进行了对比分析,在此基础上,介 绍了复合绝缘子带电检测前沿技术。结果表明,憎水指示函数法在特征量的选择和提取等方面尚需进一 步研究;电场法适用于高电压等级绝缘子状态检测;光纤传感器法能发现芯棒局部缺陷;激光诱导荧光 法适用面广、检测距离远,值得进行深入研究并应用于工程实际。 关键词:复合绝缘子;带电检测;局部缺陷;憎水性 中图分类号:TM855 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1007-3175(2013)06-0007-04 Research and Application Status of Live Detection Technique for Composite Insulator  2 3 LI Shi-lin , LI Te , ZHANG Xiang  Yongjia Power Supply Bureau, Yongjia 32500, China; ( 2 Z(P)EPC Electric Power Research Institute, Hangzhou 300, China; 3 Zigong Electric Bureau, Zigong 643000, China ) Abstract: With the increasing application of composite insulators in power system, the faults caused by composite insulator defects raise gradually in recent years, so using live detection techniques to detect the conditions of composite insulators is vital to assure the safety of trans- mission line. This paper summarized the live detection techniques of hydrophobicity and local defects of composite insulators, including the hydrophobicity function, infrared image and so on. Analysis was made to the detection principle, application scope and merit



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