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研究与设计 EM CA 2010, 37 ( 1) 双转子径向永磁电机的设计与有限元分析 曹江华 ,  杨向宇 ,  肖如晶 (华南理工大学 ,广东 广州  5 1064 0 )   摘  要 : 介绍了双转子径向永磁电机的基本结构 、原理及特性 ,采用解析法分析了其电感参数的计算 ,并 给出了设计依据 ,最后利用有限元法对所设计的电机进行了静态磁场的分析和电感计算值的验证 。结果表 明 ,双转子径向永磁电机在磁场上可看作由共用定子铁心的两个传统内、外转子永磁电机并联而成 ,而电感计 算则可看作串联 , 电感的解析值与有限元计算值吻合得较好 ,证明了电机分析和设计的可行性 。 关键词 : 双转子径向永磁电机 ; 电感计算 ; 有限元分析 中图分类号 : TM 302 ∶TM 351 文献标识码 : A  文章编号 :(20 10) D esign and F in iteE lem en t Ana ly sis of D ua lRotor Rad ia lFlux Perm anen t M agnet M otor CA O J iang hua,  YAN G X iang y u,  X IA O R u j ing ( Sou th Ch ina U n iversity of Techno logy, Guangzhou 510640 , Ch ina)   Ab stract: Dualrotor radialflux p erm anen t m agnet motor can sub stan tially imp rove the torque den sity and effi ciency. Its basic structure, op eration p rincip le and characteristic s were introduced, calcu lating the inductance by an alytic m ethod and giving the design ba sis. In addition, the fin iteelem ent m ethod wa s u sed to analyze the static m ag netic field and the effectivene ss of the calcu lated inductance wa s p roved. The re su lts showed that the m agnetic field of dualrotor radialflux p erm anen t m agnet m ach ine s can be regarded as a p arallel com b ination of two traditional inner and outer p erm anent m agnet motor shared a common stator core and the inductance wa s form ed in series. Moreover, the inductance values calcu lated by the analytic and fin iteelem ent m ethod m atch well and thu s verify the fea sib ility of the analysis and de sign of the m ach ine. Key word s: dua lrotor rad ia lflux perm an en t m agn et m otor; ca lcula ti


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