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1.厌倦情绪bother…。。。真讨厌l’m fed up with…我厌烦。。。l’m not at all keen on…我一点也不喜欢…really turns me off 。。。真叫人讨厌…leaves me cold.。。。我一点儿也不感兴趣…can be a bit of a bind。。。有点讨厌What’s all this noise about?都吵闹些什么呀?…bores me to death烦死我了l’m really sick of…我对。。。真的是太讨厌了I find that…我觉得。。。l’m tired of…我对。。。非常厌烦what a boring…。。。真没有意思what a bother doing…真讨厌l must admit l’m not at all interested in…我承认我对。。。一点儿也不感兴趣2.心情烦乱1.l’m all mixed up我给弄糊涂了2.l can’t think atraight我理不清3.l’m all at sixes and sevens乱七八糟4.l’m falling to pieces我感到乱糟糟的5.l’m all at sea 我是一片茫然6.where do l go from here?我该怎么办呢?7.l’m in pretty bad shape我很糟8.l’m in a mess 我是一团糟9.l don’t know which way to turn.我不知道该怎么办10.what shall l do now?11.l’m confused by…我被弄糊涂了 is not my day.今天真倒霉13.l can’t stand all this我受不了了’s the end of the world for me 对我来说真是世界末日啊15.(god help me)l’m on my last legs(我的天) 我真是山穷水尽了/穷途末路了16.the situation has gone from bad to worse形势每况愈下3.失望与沮丧1.that’s a shame 真可惜2.just our luck to。。。真倒霉3.pity ,really,,,真可惜4.that’s a real let-down真叫人失望’s too bad that…真糟糕’s a great pity…太遗憾了 disappointing真令人失望8.l am rather disappointed at…我真感到失望。。。9.l’d expected it to be much better我原指望会好得多10.l’m sorry to hear about…听说。。。我感到很遗憾 sb’s disappointment,使某人失望的是12,l could kick myself,really.我真恨死自己了13.what luck 真倒霉14.things always go wrong老是出错15.l have got a lot on my mind我心情很沉重16.why are you feeling depressed?干嘛那么沮丧17.oh,god.l just don’t know what to do 哦,天哪,我真的不知道该怎么办18.l feel such an idiot我感到自己像个傻瓜4.希望与意愿1.l’m dying for我真想2.l rather fancy doing我很想。。。3.if only l could…要是我能。。。该多好啊4.l’d give anything to do…我很想。。。5.l’m itching for…我想。。。6.why can’t l do…我怎么不能。。。?7.keep your fingers crossed that…(你)祝愿。。。8.l’m hoping to…9.hopefully,….希望。。。 hope is that…’d be nice to…。。。倒不错12.l particularly wish ..我特别想。。。13.l really desire…我的确想。。。’s my sincere hope that…我真心希望。。。 bet ,as long as…当然想。只要。。。16.l’d be happy to…我很乐意。。。17.certainly,as long as…18.yes,l would.是的,我愿意19.l suppose so,but…我想是的,但是。。。20.yes,l


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