An enterprisewide strategic stakeholder (一个企业级的战略利益相关者).pdf

An enterprisewide strategic stakeholder (一个企业级的战略利益相关者).pdf

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An enterprisewide strategic stakeholder (一个企业级的战略利益相关者)

Journal of Strategic Marketing Vol. 17, Nos. 3–4, June–August 2009, 257–270 An enterprise-wide strategic stakeholder approach to sales ethics Linda Ferrell* and O.C. Ferrell Department of Marketing, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM 87131, USA (Received 9 February 2009) A framework for an enterprise-wide strategic stakeholder approach to sales ethics is developed to address ethical sales performance. Stakeholder orientation goes beyond market orientation and customer orientation and provides the foundation for an organizational ethical culture and an ethical sales subculture. Organizational values and norms can dictate modes of behavior and help balance stakeholder interests. Understanding organizational ethical decision making helps to identify risk and aids in the development of appropriate programs to prevent misconduct. A strategic focus includes an ethical organizational culture, guidelines and boundaries for conduct, as well as continuous improvement. Keywords: enterprise-wide risk management; sales subculture; stakeholder orientation; sales ethics; ethical decision making Overview There is evidence that strategic sales leadership, which builds on an ethical organizational culture, and a sales management control strategy contributes to ethical decisions in business to business (B2B) sales (Ingram, LaForge, Schwepker, 2007). The sales force plays a pivotal role in developing transparency and trust with stakeholders. Market orientation with a sales customer orientation could be the first step in developing a concern for all stakeholders. A positive association has been found between stakeholder orientation (SO), market and financial performance, reputation, and employee



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