Applications and Technical Consideration for (应用程序和技术考虑).pdf

Applications and Technical Consideration for (应用程序和技术考虑).pdf

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Applications and Technical Consideration for (应用程序和技术考虑)

METALLIZED FILM C A PA C I TO R S Applications and Technical Consideration for Metallized Film Capacitors By Marianne Vancleemput are available rated to 400VAC and beyond for industrial 3- Vishay BCcomponents phase applications and specialist equipment. They are also used in switch mode power supplies, frequency discrimina- etallized film capacitors satisfy a large variety of elec- tion and filter circuits, as well as in energy storage and sam- tronic applications, because available dielectrics ple-and-hold applications. Mhave excellent fundamental electrical characteris- AC and pulse capacitors are optimized for applications tics, high stability and longevity. Capacitor manufacturers where steep pulses occur, like electronic ballasts, motor are constantly improving the breed to deliver greater controllers, SMPS, CRT televisions and monitors or snub- capacitance within smaller package dimensions. Engineers bers. These applications feature double-metallized need to be aware of current technologies in order to select polypropylene film construction with low-loss dielectric, the optimal device quickly. This allows them to focus on capable of withstanding high voltage and high-pulse load aspects of design that will differentiate their product in the applications at high operating frequencies. One example is market for maximum value. If there are special require- the MKP383 series [Figure 2]. ments relating to capacitor performance, help from the device manufacturer can minimize time needed to co


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