Basic chess rules Bowling Green State University(博林格林州立大学基本国际象棋规则).pdf

Basic chess rules Bowling Green State University(博林格林州立大学基本国际象棋规则).pdf

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Basic chess rules Bowling Green State University(博林格林州立大学基本国际象棋规则)

Basic chess rules Setting up the board: The board should be set up with the white square in the nearest row on the right, “white on the right”. If this isn’t done the king and queen will be mixed up. Shake hands across the board before the game starts. White always moves first. Ranks and files: Going from left to right, the vertical rows on the board, called files, are labeled a through h. The horizontal rows, called ranks, are numbered 1 to 8. The 1 is white’s side of the board; 8 is black’s side. This system can be used to show what square a piece is on in a way like the game Battleship. When the board is set up the square a1 will be on the white player’s left side. Pieces and how they move: In our club, once you move a piece and take your hand off it, you cannot change your move, unless your opponent lets you, which they do not need to do. However, you may touch a piece, consider a move, and put the piece back in its original position, as long as you don’t take your hand off of the piece during the process. Pawn (P): White pawns start on rank two, black pawns on rank 7. The first time a pawn is moved it can move forward either one or two ranks. It cannot jump over another piece. After it has moved once, whether it has moved up one or two, a pawn can only move one square forward at a time, and it cannot move backward. If a pawn advances to the end rank (8 for white, 1 for black) then it is promoted, which means it is exchanged for any other piece, with the exception of a king or another pawn. No pieces are moved from the chessboard itself; in this way a color can have two (or more!) queens at the same time. The pawn’s “value” is 1. Knight (N): Knights move in an L-shaped pattern. A knight moves one square over and two squares up, or two squares over and one square up, one square over and two squares back, etc. as long as the same


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