Basic overview of Ghanas emerging oil industry (加纳新兴的石油工业的基本概述).pdf

Basic overview of Ghanas emerging oil industry (加纳新兴的石油工业的基本概述).pdf

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Basic overview of Ghanas emerging oil industry (加纳新兴的石油工业的基本概述)

Basic Overview of Ghana’s Emerging Oil Industry by Thomas Kastning for FES Ghana Table of Contents 1. Introduction 3 2. Technical Facts 3 2.1 Where is the Oil? 3 2.2 How much Oil is there? 4 2.3 What are the Facilities of the Jubilee Field? 5 2.4 The Quality of the Oil 6 3. Economical Facts 8 3.1 Who Owns the Oil? 8 3.2 Which Major Companies Are Involved? 9 3.2.2 Kosmos Energy 9 3.2.3 Anadarko Petroleum Corporation 10 3.2.4 Ghana National Petroleum Corporation 11 3.2.5 EO Group 11 3.3 Possible Rewards from the Jubilee Field 12 3.3.1 The Used Parameters 13 4. The Oil Policy of the Government of Ghana 16 4.1 Transparency Measures 16 4.2 The ‘Petroleum Revenue Management Bill’ 17 5. Concluding Remarks 17 Publication Bibliography 18 1 Abbreviations bbl: barrels of oil bbo: billion barrels of oil bboe: billion barrels of oil equivalent1 bpd: barrels per day mmbo: million barrels of oil mmboe: million barrels of oil equivalent pb: per barrel toe: tonnes of oil equivalent 1 “Oil equivalent” refers to crude oil and gas. The measurement of gas in the unit of barrel is based on the approximate energy, released by burning one barrel of crude oil. Gas is 100% recoverable. 2 1. Introduction Ghana was the first sub-Sahara country to gain independence (1957). In the early 1990s, after a long period of military rule, Ghana became a democratic state. Since then, it has been regarded as one of the most stable African democracies. The level of corruption is quite low,


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