Basic troubleshooting required to maintain disc (基本故障排除维护盘所需).pdf

Basic troubleshooting required to maintain disc (基本故障排除维护盘所需).pdf

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Basic troubleshooting required to maintain disc (基本故障排除维护盘所需)

Basic troubleshooting required to maintain disc filter reliability Emmerling, Fred A Disc filters have many applications in pulp and paper mills. The most widespread use is for thickening of slow-draining stocks, such as mechanical pulps. Disc filters are also commonly used in the paper mill as savealls for recovery of fiber and filler and for clarification of whitewater. One of the first disc filter units installed in paper mills for environmental reasons was a paper machine saveall application. Justification for installation was recovery of valuable fiber and fillers. A side benefit of the application was cleaner effluent discharged to the river. Prior to the introduction of the disc filter, open cylinder deckers, side-hill screens, vacuum drum filters, continuous precoat belt filters, and air flotation separation cells were used as savealls. The disc filter was introduced to the pulp and paper industry in the early 1950s for use as a paper machine saveall. The disc filter was originally developed for the chemical and mining industries to process slow-filtering materials. Consequently, the disc filter was an ideal machine for use in filtering slow-draining paper machine whitewater. By the mid-1960s, three major equipment suppliers were offering disc filters designed especially for use in the pulp and paper industry. There are now more than six major suppliers in the U.S. and Europe. In the 1970s, paper machine water closeups became necessary due to environmental pressures. Reuse of paper machine whitewater was necessary for water conservation. A majority of the showers in the wire and press sections that originally used freshwater were designed to use clear filtrate from the saveall. Disc filter operation. A disc filter unit consists of a series of discs mounted on a hollow center shaft that is equipped with drainage channels terminating at a valve assembly. Each individual disc is made of pie-shaped hollow sectors covered on both sides


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