Computerised Telephone Billing System IOSR (电脑电话计费系统IOSR).pdf

Computerised Telephone Billing System IOSR (电脑电话计费系统IOSR).pdf

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Computerised Telephone Billing System IOSR (电脑电话计费系统IOSR)

IOSR Journal of Applied Physics (IOSR-JAP) e-ISSN: 2278-4861.Volume 6, Issue 2 Ver. I (Mar-Apr . 2014), PP 13-20 Computerised Telephone Billing System Allison Chukwuma Romanus (Education Secretariat, FCT Universal Basic Education Board Area 2 Section 1P.M.B 163 Garki, Abuja Nigeria) Abstract : The need for effective and efficient telephone billing system in Nigerian telecommunication industries is increasing everyday as a result of the match towards technological advancement. As such, this study tried to investigate the existing telephone billing system used in the various telecommunication industries in Nigeria with a view to improving on them. To accomplish this, the researcher developed comparative analysis for five telecommunication industries in Nigeria. Etisalat Network was chosen as a case study because it is the network that has the best quality of service and has lowest customer tariff with an effective and responsive customer care unit. Interestingly, the billing system of Etisalat network was discovered to have some shortcomings such as customer name, town name and town code. All these parameters are not displayed in the bill after calls. This research has therefore made an attempt to incorporate the three parameters which did not exist in the Etisalat call summary receipt. This task was achieved using Software Engineering Approach and the Program Source Code was developed using Turbo Pascal version 6.0. Keywords: Billing, Customer friendly, Effective call summary, Parameter, Service quality. I. Introduction Organizations and in fact the general public needs information for day to day running



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