Concept And Working Of Different Types Of (概念和不同类型的工作).pdf

Concept And Working Of Different Types Of (概念和不同类型的工作).pdf

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Concept And Working Of Different Types Of (概念和不同类型的工作)

IOSR Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (IOSR-JEEE) e-ISSN: 2278-1676,p-ISSN: 2320-3331, Volume 9, Issue 5 Ver. I (Sep –Oct. 2014), PP 44-49 Concept And Working Of Different Types Of Fuses – Protection From Short Circuit Damages – A Bird’s Eye View C. Maruthi Ratna Kishore Electrical and Electronics Engineering. Dept, Rise group of Institutions Ongole-523001, Andhra Pradesh, India Abstract: This paper deals with the brief review of the concept and functioning of different types of fuses with a main focus on analysis of the protection available by fuses from short-circuit damages. Keywords: Electrical fuse, Electrical Protection, Electrical faults, HRC fuses, Short-circuit currents, over currents. I. Introduction A fuse is one type of over current device that is designed to be a sacrificial element in an electrical power system. [1] Fuses are designed to open circuits when excessive currents are present due to overloads or faults and to prevent further damage to the system that might result if the fuse were not present. The subject matter of this paper is the outcome of a bird‟s eye view on the concept and working of the different types of fuses. Also this paper highlights the significant role played by the fuses in providing protection from short-circuit damages. This review study may be useful to the electrical engineering graduates to put good efforts to further develop protective fuse concept, since one of the most common and potentially serious problem is a short circuit .A short can occur whenever a loose wire, dropped tool, flood of seawater, or other circumstance provides electricity with a shortcut around all or part of the regular load. Since the load normally limits the am



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