ConceptDevelopment 91 Practice Page(实践概念发展上已页面).pdf

ConceptDevelopment 91 Practice Page(实践概念发展上已页面).pdf

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ConceptDevelopment 91 Practice Page(实践概念发展上已页面)

Name Class Date Concept-Development 9-1 Practice Page Work and Energy 1. How much work (energy) is needed to lift an object that weighs 200 N to a height of 4 m? 800 J 2. How much power is needed to lift the 200-N object to a height of 4 m in 4 s? 200 W 3. What is the power output of an engine that does 60,000 J of work in 10 s? 6 kW 4. The block of ice weighs 500 newtons. a. What is the mechanical advantage of the incline? 2:1 b. How much force is needed to push it up the incline (neglect friction)? 250 N . d e v r e s e r s t h 5. All the ramps are 5 m high. We know that the KE of the block at the bottom of the ramp will be g i r l l equal to the loss of PE (conservation of energy). Find the speed of the block at ground level in A . ) s each case. [Hint: Do you recall from earlier chapters how long it takes something to fall a vertical ( e t 2 a distance of 5 m from a position of rest (assume g = 10 m/s )? And how much speed a falling object i l fi f a acquires in this time? This gives you the answer to Case 1. Discuss with your classmates how energy s t i r conservation gives you the answers to Cases 2 and 3.] o , . c n I , n o i t a c



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