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U N CERT A INT Y OF M EASU REM EN T 关于有效自由度大于10 的探讨 , ( , 7 10024) [ ] 95% , k = 2 , 10 , ! , 4 , 10 , , , [ ] ; ; ; [ ] TB9 [] B [] 1002- 1183 (2004) 02- 0042- 04 Discussion on effective freedom degree more than ten S ON G Zhaohui, WAN G Kui u ( N ort hw est Inst itut e of N uc ear T echno ogy , X i an 7 10024, China) bstract: When particu ar ev e of conf idence is 95 percent , t he va ue of the cover ag e f actor k is a w ays taken as 2T his is fre quent y occurs in pr actice But if w e are not sur e about w hether the eff ective freedom degree is more t han 10, it is doubtfu that se ecting expanded uncertainty as tw ice as combined standard uncertaint y A ccording to the W e ch - Satter thw aite for mu ation sugg ested by Guide to the Expression of U ncertainty in M easurement , u sing tw o types of standard uncertainties and their de gr ee of fr eedom , div iding four diff er ent cases, estimating w hether the eff ectiv e fr eedom degree is more t han ten is br ief y dis cussed in this paper A parameter tab e w hich is simp e, easy to search and suitab e for universa adaptabi it y is desig ned by u s ing the max imum of the degree of fr eedom , the minimum of t he deg ree of freedom and the ratio of tw o types of standar d uncer tainties It is conv enient for f ast decision of the effective freedo m deg ree by using this t


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