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27 10 2010 10 : 1006 - 9348( 20 10) 10 - 0 19 1- 03 PID 张家骏 (, 277 160) : P ID , P ID P ID , , , P ID P ID , P ID ( ) , , P ID , P ID , , P ID , : ; ; ; : T P202+ . 7 : B Optim ization Param eters of PID Controller Param eters Based on Particle Swarm Optim ization ZHAN G Jia- un ( M ath and Inform ation D epa rtm ent, Zaozhuang U niversity, Zaozhuang Shandong 277 160, China) ABSTRACT: The se tting and op tmi ization o f P ID param eters are a wl ay s the mi po rtan t stady topics in the autom atic contro l f ie ld. The con tro l effect depends on P ID contro ller, integ ra l and proportion o f d ifferen tia l three pa ram e ters, both mutual coord ination and interdependent relationsh ip. O rig inal optmi ization m ethod is a tmi e- consum ing me thod and can not g et sa tisf ied contro l effect. In order to so lve this prob lem, artic le Sw arm O ptmi ization m ethod is applied to P ID controller. Through the establishm ent of particle sw arm a lgor ithm o f P ID contro ller pa rame ters optmi iza tion m ode l, in the propo rtion of P ID contro l process devastates, integ ra l, differential param e ters as partic le sw arm of par- ticles, F ind the P ID param eters optmi izing design is ta rgeted. It can ad u st three contro l pa rame ters in con tro l process and thu s se ts P ID param eters on line. S mi ulation results indicate that the P ID con tro l, PSO contro lle r has strong er a- daptab ility and better resu lts. KEYWORDS: Pa rtic le sw arm optmi ization( P SO ) ; PID con tro ller; P arame ter setting; S mi u lation


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