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1997 8 21 3 Bull Acad M il Med Sci, Aug 1997; V l 21N 3 161 17 论 著 军事医学科学院基础医学研究所 北京 100850 用 - 方法从活化的人外周血淋巴细胞中分离了人白介素 17( -17) 基因, 序列分 RT PCR hIL 析结 表明与文献报道的完全相符。以质粒pBV220 为表达载体, 在大肠杆菌中高效表达了hIL-17 基因, 重组蛋白以包涵体的形式存在, 约占菌体总蛋白的量40% 。 白细胞介素类; 人白介素17; 基因表达 Q78 Isolation of human interleukin-17 gene and its expression in E .coli Zhou L imei, W ang J iax i, Zhou J ing , W ang L ihong , Cai X in , Duan J ubao Institute f Basic M edical Sciences, Academy f Milit ary Medical Sciences, Beijing 100850 -17 Abstract Human interleukin gene w as is lated fr m activated human per ipheral bl d lym- - . . -17 ph id cells by RT PCR The gene w as sequenced and c nf rmed w ith that rep rted hIL gene w as cl ned int the plasmid pBV220 and expressed in E . coli in the f rm f inclusi n b dies. T he rec mbinant pr tein am unted t 40% f t tal pr teins in bacterial cells. ; -17; Key words interleukins hIL gene expressi n 17( interleukin-17, IL-17) , Sma 13 17( hIL-17) , Hind CD4+ T T , , ( PHA , ) , -17 24 , ( hIL h m RNA Pharma- cia ) m RNA, Access RT - RT -PCR PCR Sy stem( Pr mega ) RT -PCR, hIL-17 , , 1. 4% pBV220 , DNA hIL-17 1. 4DNA RT -PCR pUC18 Sma 1 Hind , , 16 1. 1 , 5 101 , Ll


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