第十一讲 订购信.pdf

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第十一讲 订购信

第十一讲 订购信 订购信简介 大机构的工作人员一般不需要自己撰写订购信,而是使用加编号的订货 单。同样,个人从邮购公司邮购,也不一定要订购信,只要填写产品目录中所 附的邮购表格并把它寄出去就可以了。使用这些订货单或邮购表格的好处在于 填写方便,不容易出差错。然而,有些规模较小的公司不一定备有合适的订货 单,或者你想提供的一些信息没法填入通常的订货单中,这时候就须拟写专门 的订购信了。 订购信例子: Computex 56 Shin-Chuan 1st Rd Kao-Hsiung TAIWAN 1 October 200- Mr Ji S-y, Sales Department Research Science Limited 86-ho-, 511-2 Konghang-dong Kangseo-gu Seoul, 154-112 South Korea Dear Mr Ji Order for Grade ‘A’ 3.5 High Density optical disks (Order No. 354334522) Further to our telephone conversation this morning I should like to confirm details of the order which we discussed. I should like you to send me the following items: 2,00 grade “A” 3.5 High Density optical disks @US$24.50 per pack of 10 (with clear plastic protective cases) US$4900 We agree to your quoted prices, as stated above, and anticipate receiving the goods on or before 10 October. Please charge this order to our charge account, number 011- 4786864. Yours sincerely 订购信的措辞和结构 撰写订购信时,应对所订货品作出详尽说明,以避免造成误解或耽误交 货。标准的订购信结构非常简单,包括三个小段: 第一段 这一段应提及与对方在此之前有过的联系,如:·收到报价·参观对方 展览厅·对方销售代表来访·对方公司给你寄来产品介绍小册子·对方之间的 电话联系 以下是常用的说法: 报价:Thank you for your quotation of 12 April. 参观对方展览厅:I found my visit to your showroom last Monday extremely interesting. 产品示范:Many thanks for the demonstration of your security equipment last Thursday. It was very impressive. 产品介绍手册/ 目录:Thank you for sending me your factsheet of home D-I-Y products and services. 电话联系:Further to our telephone conversation this morning I should like to confirm details of the order which we discussed. 第二段


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