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远志教育---2013中考英语末强化练习 2013-3-22 现在学习不努力,以后找工作就会很困难。 You __will have difficulty in finding a job__ if you don’t work hard now. 那位医生很忙,他几乎没有任何空闲时间顾得上他的爱好。 The doctor is so busy that he hardly has any spare time for/ that he almost has no spare time for his hobbies. 妈妈不在家,小女孩别无选择只得自己整理床铺。 The little girl had no choice but to make the bed by herself while her mother was away. 我想知道你的外套是不是要洗一下。 I wonder if your coat needs washing/ needs to be washed . 即使他买不起新房子,玛丽也会嫁给他的。 Mary will get married to him even though he can’t afford (to buy) a new house. 对于那位懒惰的男生来说,在英语学习上远远超过我是不可能的。 It’s impossible for the lazy boy to go far beyond me in English. 7. 史密斯一家习惯于早起。 The Smiths are used to getting up early . 8. 你知道他算出这道数学题是否有困难? Do you know if/ whether he has difficulty working out the maths problem? 9. 你能告诉我这件外套多少钱吗? Could you tell me how much the overcoat cost(s) ? 10. 他会尽可能小心地开车以免发生事故。 He will drive as carefully as he can /possible to keep any accident from happening. . 家长对她说的根本不满意。 The parents were not satisfied/happy with what she said at all. 12. 孩子们在枯燥的教室里呆了一整天后,进行一些体育活动,而不是额外的学习非常重要的。 It is equally important for children to take some sports activities instead of extra studies when they have spent the whole day in a boring classroom. 13. 我表妹告诉我这把吉他她买了不到三个月。 My cousin told me she had had the guitar for less than three months . 14. 大家都知道火星上的重力只有地球重力的约八分之三。 It’s known to all that the gravity on Mars is only about three-eighths of that on Earth. 15. 教练告诫队员要把全部的精力投入到足球训练中去。 The coach asked the players to put all their effort into football training.[ 16. 他们别无选择,只得接受我们的建议。 They had no choice but to take/accept our advice. 17. 恐怕你们做的事情已经损害了我们的环境了。 I’m afraid what you did has done harm to our environment . 18. 尽我们的最大努力处理好每一个教育上的挑战是我们的职责所在。 Its our duty to try our best to deal with the challenge in education. 19. 很多学生宁愿独自承担烦恼也不愿与他人一起分担。 Many children prefer to keep their worries to themselves rather than share th


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