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托福写作句子表达练习(二)100教育托福专区为大家整理了一些托福写作句子表达练习,一起来从中吸取精华吧! 16.每天都有很多车在小区周围的道路上行驶,对行人的安全造成巨大的威胁。There are many cars running on the streets around the community every day, which poses a gigantic threat to the safety of the people walking around/passers-by.17.大公司里面的能人很多,可以教我们学习科学技术知识,促进自己的成长,有利于自己的事业的发展There are many capable brains in big companies who could teach us a lot of science and technology and promote our personal growth, which is beneficial to our career development.18.在户外活动可以有机会欣赏美丽的自然风景,而且空气也比在室内更加清新,对健康更加有好处。 We have an excellent opportunity to enjoy the beautiful natural sceneries outdoors where there is more fresh air than indoors, which is favorable to our health. 19.因特网把世界各地的人联系在一起,消除了肤色地域宗教和财富的差别,这对建立一个和谐的世界大家庭有积极的作用。 Internet connects people throughout the world regardless of the distinction of their skin colors, locations, religions and wealth, which plays a positive role in the construction of a harmonious world family. 20.在公共交通工具上使用手机会干扰别人的思绪,有些人正想利用这个机会思考一下今天的工作呢。 Using cell phones on public transportation vehicles will interrupt other people’s thinking, for they are just trying to make use of the time to think about their work of the day. 21.很多明星正是因为经常在报纸电台上露面才一直保持较高的人气,才能做广告挣钱。 A great number of stars keep their great popularity through frequent appearance on newspapers and broadcasting programs, so that they can earn money by acting in advertisements.22.到底谁更幸福:拿高工资但是每天工作时间长几乎没有时间和家人朋友在一起的人,还是拿低工资但是每天工作时间短有很多时间陪伴家人和朋友的人?Who would be happier: those people who have to work long hours every day to earn high salaries but have hardly any time to spend with their families and friends, or those people who choose to work short hours every day to leave much time for their friends and families but earn low salaries? 23.现代医药技术可以把以前不能治好的病人治愈,这有助于人类的健康幸福。Modern medical technology can cure patients who were considered incurable in the past, which contributes to the health and happiness of human beings. 24.过去的人冬天都没有暖气,出门也没有汽车坐,连吃肉都困难,哪有什么幸福可言? How could


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