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Language and Society; Netspeak ;;; ;What is supposed to happen when two English people who have never met before come face to face in a train?;Interrelation between language and society ;The relatedness between language and society ;Interrelation between language and society;Two kinds of sociolinguistic study A sociolinguistic study of language (central concern of sociolinguistics) 从语言的社会属性出发,用社会学的方法研究语言,从社会的角度解释语言变体和语言演变。 A sociolinguistic study of society (Sociology of language) 从语言变体和语言演变的事实,来解释相关的社会现象及其演变和发展的过程。 ;A sociolinguistic study of language;Two approaches to sociolinguistic studies Macro sociolinguistics (a bird’s-eye view) 研究国家或地区的语言状况及其与社会发展的相互关系(双语制或多语制社团中的语言选择、语言规划、语言态度等方面的研究) Micro sociolinguistics (a worm’s-eye view) 研究小群体的言语特征及其与社会环境的相互关系(言语行为、言语事件、话语的顺序,同时还探讨一个群体所用的语言的变化与社会因素的关系);Speech communities 言语社团;Speech variety;Language, dialects, and varieties;dialect; Regional dialect vs. temporal dialect ;Social dialect vs. idiolect ;Standard vs. non-standard dialect;Standard dialect:标准语 Socially prestigious dialect. By the government, mass media, schools. Any member can possibly use. Based on a selected variety. Not acquired naturally, superimposed. 普通话的定义: 以北京语音为标准音, 以北方话为基础方言, 以典范的现代白话文著作为语法规范的现代汉民族共同语。 ;讨论:语言或方言有无好坏、高低贵贱之分? The scientific study of languages has convinced scholars that all languages, and correspondingly all dialects, are equally good as linguistic system. Value judgments concerning the correctness and purity of linguistic varieties are social rather than linguistic. (Peter Trudgill) 从语言学的角度来看,所有的语言都是平等的,没有高低贵贱之分;方言也没有好坏之分。 如果有些人认为A语言比B语言好听,或某种方言比另一种方言正确、纯正,是因为这些人对待不同语言或方言的态度不同,是社会因素造成的偏见,而不是语言本身的问题。;;Language and social factors;Language and Class;;Gender differences in speech ;4) women use more tag questions (John is here, isn’t it?) ; 5) women use more statement questions (Dinner will be ready at seven o’clock?); 6) women’s linguistic behaviour is more indirect and more polite t


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