
圆明园 英文简介课件.ppt

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圆明园 英文简介课件

掇斯牢冤红感葛请莫烷葱魏恐磅茶令氏俏淡砚灶狞欢膘升果灿余郧绎拢跋圆明园 英文简介课件圆明园 英文简介课件; ;Known for its extensive collection of garden and building architecture and other works of art ,a popular name of Yuanmingyuan in China Is the Garden of Gardens 圆明园,曾以其宏大的地域规模、杰出的营造技艺、精美的建筑景群、丰富的文化收藏和博大精深的民族文化内涵而享誉于世,被誉为“一切造园艺术的典范”和“万园之园”。;Yuanmingyuan was a vast landscaped garden at once grand in scale and enchanting in scenery. Its green hills and exquisite architecture were laid out with picturesque appeal, and decorated with thriving trees and beautiful flowers. As to close sights, the rolling hills and maze of streams and lakes divided the whole garden into more than 100 scenes, their captivating beauty enhanced by a host of pavilions, corridors, islands, and bridges. And together they transformed the entire complex into a landscaping and horticultural miracle which stood comparison with the beauty of the natural scenery south of the Yangtze River. ;它继承了中国三千多年的优秀造园传统,既有宫廷建筑的雍容华贵,又有江南水乡园林的委婉多姿,同时,又吸取了欧洲的园林建筑形式,把不同风格的园林建筑融为一体,在整体布局上使人感到和谐完美。真可谓:虽由人做,宛自天开。;Yuanmingyuan was not only famed for its beauty. It was also an imperial museum with a vast collection of cultural treasures. The French writer Victor Hugo once remarked, With all its treasures, Notre Dame in Paris is no match for Yuanmingyuan, that enormous and magnificent museum in the East. Furniture made of red sandalwood decorated the numerous halls in which countless rare cultural relics were on display. As one of the four most famous imperial libraries, the Wenyuan Hall (Hall of Literary Profundity) in the garden originally housed such precious ancient books as The Complete Library of Four Branches of Books (《四库全书》), Gems of the Complete Library of Four Branches of Books (《四库全书荟要》), and The Completed Collection of Graphs and Writings of Ancient and Modern Times (《古今图书集成》).;圆明园不仅以园林著称,而且也是一座收藏相当丰富的皇家博物馆。法国大作家雨果曾说:即使把我国所有圣母院的全部宝物加在一起,也不能同这个规模宏大而富丽堂皇的东方博物馆媲美。园内各殿堂内装饰有难以计数的紫檀木家具,陈列有许多国内外稀世文物。园中文源阁是全国四大皇家藏书楼之一。园中各处藏有《四库全书》、《古今图书集成》、《四库全书荟要》等珍贵图书文物。;Alas, the


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