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I I 四种爬行动物消化道内分泌细胞的免疫组织化学研究 中文摘要 本文应用七种胃肠激素抗血清分别对石龙子 多疣壁虎 乌 龟和红耳龟消化道内分泌细胞的形态 分布进行了免疫组织化学 研究 在四种爬行动物消化道所含内分泌细胞中 5HT-IR细胞是 分布最广的一种 其在四种动物消化道各段均有分布 但分布型 各不相同 SS-IR细胞在多疣壁虎和乌龟消化道中主要分布于其 前段 而在石龙子和红耳龟中则分布于整个消化道中 Gas-IR细 胞在几种动物消化道中主要集中分布于胃幽门部或 和 十二指 肠部位 Glu-IR细胞与SP-IR细胞在四种动物消化道中分布型差 异较大 PP-IR细胞仅在红耳龟消化道中有少量分布 Ins-IR细 胞在四种动物消化道中均未见 几种爬行动物消化道内分泌细胞 的分布既表现出了一定的共性 体现了爬行类生活习性及消化生 理的某些共同点 又表现出不同物种对各自生活环境 食性很强 适应性的种间差异 关键词 爬行动物;消化道;内分泌细胞;免疫组织化学 I Immunohistochemical studies on endocrine cells in the digestive tract of four reptiles Abstract Identification, distribution and morphology of edocrine cells in the digestive tract of Enmeces chinensis Gekko japonicus Trachemys scripta and Chinemys reevsii were studied by immunohistochemical method with seven gut hormone antisera. 5HT-IR cells is the only one that extensively distributed in whole digestive tract of four reptiles which distributive mode were different from each other. SS-IR cells were presented in the former part of digestive tract of Chinemys reevsii and Gekko japonicus, however they distributed throughout the digestive tract of Enmeces chinensis and Trachemys scripta . Gas-IR cells were mainly occurred in the stomachus pyloricus or and duodenum of four reptiles. The distributive mode of Glu-IR cells and SP-IR cells in the digestive tract were different among four reptiles.PP-IR cells were only rarely detected in the digestive tract of Trachemys scripta . Ins-IR cells were not detected in any of four reptiles. Some common features in identification, distribution and morphor of endoc



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