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云 南 植 物 研 究 2006 , 28 (4 ) : 349 ~351 Acta Botanica Yunnanica 云南部分地区湿地植物的丛枝菌根初报  王 凯, 赵之伟 ( 云南大 学 生物 资源保 护与 利用 国家重 点实验 室培 育基地 , 云南 昆明 650091 ) 摘要: 用碱解离、酸性品红染色法对 昆明、澄江、建水、通海、石屏、东川和禄劝等地的 15 个科 32 种湿 地植物的丛枝菌根状况进行了调查 , 共发现有 11 种植物形成丛枝 菌根 , 占34 % 。从湿地植物根际土壤 中 分离、鉴定出分属于 4 个属的丛枝菌根真菌共 16 种 , 无梗囊霉属 ( Acaulosp ora) 和球囊霉属 ( Glomus ) 是 湿地土壤 中的优势类群 (94 % ) 。摩西球囊霉 ( G. mosseae) 占孢子总数的 88% , 是湿地土壤中的优势种 。 关键词 : 湿地植物 ; 丛枝菌根 ; 感染率 ; 感染程度 中图分类号 : Q 949 文献标识码 : A 文章编号 : 0253 - 2700 (2006) 04 - 349 - 03 Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Status of Wetland Plants Collected from Yunnan ** WANG Kai , ZHAO Zhi-Wei ( K ey Laboratory of Conservation an d Utilization f or B io-Resource, Yunnan University , Kunm ing 65009 1, China ) Abstract : The arbuscular mycorrhizal status of 32 wetland plant species came from 15 families sampled in Kunming, Chengjiang , Jianshui , Tonghai , Shiping, Dongchuan and Luquan was surveryed by means of acid fuchsin stain after the roots were lysised in alkaline solution . Typical arbu scular mycorrhizal structures were detected in the roots of 11 species . Sixteen arbu scular mycorrhizal fungi belonging to 4 genera were wet-sieved from the rhizospheric soil of the wetland plants . Acaulospora and Glomus presented dominantly in the wetland soil (94 % ) . Glomus mosseae was dominant species in wet- land soil and accounted for 88% of the total spores . Key


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