A Five Minute Intro to XML课件.ppt

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A Five Minute Intro to XML课件

A Five Minute Intro to XML;You have data … How should you structure it? ;The XML approach is to "wrap" each data item in start/end tags;XML Terminology;What's the date?;XML Attributes;Common Design Pattern: IDentify classes;The General Design Pattern;Example;With OWL you can define the Camera Class (which is used in the XML document);Why use XML?;A Quick Introduction to OWL Web Ontology Language;What is OWL?;Example of using OWL to define two terms and their relationship;Quick Intro Contents;Example: Bridging the Terminology Gap using OWL;Interested in Purchasing a Camera;Is this document relevant?;A Match?;Relationship between SLR and Camera?;Relationship between focal-length and lens size?;Relationship between f-stop and aperture?;Semantic Definitions Separate from Application!;Summary: Interoperability despite terminology differences!;Demo of interoperability in a heterogeneous data environment;Demo - searching for Camera, lens size, aperture info;Hunts.xml - uses unfamiliar terminology;QuikPhoto.xml - uses familiar terminology ;Lesson Learned;Who's Using Ontologies?;Related Articles;The OWL Camera Ontology is Online!;The Robber and the Speeder;An OWL Ontology can be used to answer questions that are implicit in your data;The OWL Gun License Ontology answers the questions!;The Robber and the Speeder;Robber drops gun while fleeing!;Speeder stopped;The speeder owns a gun with the same serial number as the robbery gun!;Case Solved?;Can multiple guns have the same serial number?;Can multiple people have the same driver's license number?;Can a gun be registered in multiple gun licenses?;Can a gun license have multiple holders of a registered gun?;Summary


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