animal farm 动物庄园课件.ppt

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animal farm 动物庄园课件

soviet union;map;Soviet union;;;National emblem;;history; Before1917: the Russian Empire overthrown March 1917: the tsarist government was overthrown December 1922: The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics was established by Bolshevik 1991: The Soviet Union finally collapsed After 1991: Commonwealth of Independent established Russia ;The national leader;Lenin 1917 – 1922 Stalin 1922 – 1953 Khrushchev 1953 – 1964 Brezhnev 1964 – 1982 Andropov 1982 – 1984 Chernenko 1984 – 1985 Gorbachev 1985 —1991 president;Vladimir Ilyich Lenin 弗拉基米尔·伊里奇·列宁 Major achievements: 1 Creating the Bolshevik Party 2 Led the October Revolution 3Create the Soviet Union ;;Nikita Sergeyevich Khrushchev 尼基塔·谢尔盖耶维奇·赫鲁晓夫 Main achievements: 1the vindication of the victims of cleansing (purge)” 2Implementation of agricultural reforms to improve the livelihood of the people of the Soviet Union;Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev 列昂尼德·伊里奇·勃列日涅夫 ?Main achievements: 1 the military strength of the Soviet Union catch up with the United States 2 Implementation of the theory of limited sovereignty ;Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbachev 米哈伊尔·谢尔盖耶维奇·戈尔巴乔夫 Main events: Give up the Brezhnev Doctrine Drastic changes in Eastern Europe the Soviet Union collapse ;;;;KGB building;KGB symbol;;Background information;Tsar nicholas;Critics nicknamed him Bloody Nicholas because of the Khodynka Tragedy, Bloody Sunday: the army in shot at a crowd demanding radical reforms; nationwide crisis had developed in Russia ;The country faced the threat of financial bankruptcy;october revolution;“An armed uprising is inevitable, and that the time for it is fully ripe.”;1917: the February Revolution“ ended the reign of the Tsars A Provisional Government was installed 1917:the October Revolution: Lenin and his Bolshevik followers seized power set up a government controlled by the Communist Party. ;Communism;;


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