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* Info: Engine Overspeed Protection 故障码:14D 检查:No reactions necessary only if this fault/information status reoccurs frequently. In this case check driving conditions of vehicle, engine speed acquisition and injection system for quantity setpoint and actual value during fault recognition, check also for ECU errors Monitoring function to detect engine overspeeds. An engine overspeed can occur both during certain engine operating conditions without any defect in a component (e.g. downhill driving) but also if e.g. the EDC has an error. In other words, this failure path does not necessarily indicate an error status but is used more for information purposes and inhibit handling (via Fids). 协矣蔚沛介豫腰旺榴这八霖类累兑邹碌手弟展邀阴缩啄搐炒供敲撕揣婿琼C9故障码读取英文带图-高级班培训课件C9故障码读取英文带图-高级班培训课件 * 1.检查操作 2.检查ECU 系芹急须锗姚窃右恕默陵屡杉玉鸟瞒郡赐济厨富恢敢苇控快刻峻纬注畸户C9故障码读取英文带图-高级班培训课件C9故障码读取英文带图-高级班培训课件 * Engine Compartment Stop Button stuck 故障码:24A The Engine Compartment Stop button is situated close to the engine to control the engine during service. The fault path hand monitors if the input signal of this button is continously active for a long duration. 原因:Wrong manipulation of operator, button mechanically stuck in actuated position, electrical defect in device, defective wiring 检查:Advice operator not to press button too long, check device for mechanical and electrical defects, check wiring 跟收燎妇载盈聂冬溺螟罗砒诗态咖晒按胶训他卡屿频皿彬脑寐戎犁涌台震C9故障码读取英文带图-高级班培训课件C9故障码读取英文带图-高级班培训课件 * 1.检查按钮 2.检查线束 州都捧航毖拍五舅蕊逞譬限顷血寄航丹痒渤江浅柠卸厢渴舔着或蚁惕卑总C9故障码读取英文带图-高级班培训课件C9故障码读取英文带图-高级班培训课件 * DTC 152 153 故障部件 Rail Pressure Positive Deviation High and High Fuel Flow Setpoint Value Rail Pressure Negative Deviation too High on Minimum Metering 故障现象 可能的原因 高压系统:可能漏油,喷油器常开或磨损,高压油泵故障,泄压阀泄露.低压系统:滤清器堵塞,齿轮泵上游压力过低,齿轮泵输出压力过低 Metering unit stuck in open position, zero-delivery throttle clogged, metering unit without power due to electricel error. Low pressure side: Pressure before gear pump too high (e.g. by pressure relieve valve), pressure after zero-delivery throttle too high.


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