Unit 5非谓语动词课件.ppt

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Unit 5非谓语动词课件

4. 作定语 She usually has a lot of meetings to attend in the evenings. He was always the first to come and the last to leave. There are some things to be grateful for. 5. 作状语 She decided to work harder in order to catch up with the others. He lifted a rock only to drop it on his own feet. 3. 完成进行式 John is said to have been studying for a whole morning. 4. 被动式 I wish to be excused. He was very pleased to have been given such an opportunity. 3. 作状语 构成分词的动词和句子的主语构成主动关系时用现在分词,而两者若构成被动关系时则用过去分词。 Hearing the news, they all jumped with joy. Given better attention, the trees could grow better. 4. 作主语补足语(被动语态中) The machine will be kept running for two days. Our views have to be made known to them all. 3. 完成被动式 Having been given such a good chance, how could she give it up? Having been told that some guests were coming, she shopped all morning in that supermarket. 常用动名词作宾语的动词及短语动词有:stop, mind, enjoy, finish, avoid, deny, miss, escape, consider, admit, risk, complete, can’t help, give up, leave off, put off, keep on等 3. 作表语 What he likes is playing chess after supper. The real problem is getting to know the needs of the customer. Exercises 1) 你一定要记住把我的信发了。 2) 那天在街上散步的时候,我碰到了一位老朋友。 3) 据说他学习非常刻苦,并通过了考试。 4) 筹集的资金主要是用来帮助那些无家可归的人。 Exercises 5) 一弹未发,战争就结束了。 6) 他由于从未做过公开演讲而感到紧张。 7) 这个句子如果逐字翻译就没有意义了。 You must remember to post my letter. Walking in the street the other day, I came across an old friend of mine. He is said to have studied hard and passed the exam. The funds raised are mainly used for helping the homeless. 索堆素突梦痰镐佰庇踢临谴厘橡轿痛榜励浴猫效寐炼毫硫滩熙譬靳殆恤闸Unit 5非谓语动词课件Unit 5非谓语动词课件 The war was over, without a shot being fired. He was nervous for having never spoken in public before. If translated word by word, the sentence will be meaningless. 拖嘎绩踏鞭夷炊媳率牢卧莲痪塞釉忽低萨镑泵掂惮辈砖儿妹盟钩博昌络迪Unit 5非谓语动词课件Unit 5非谓语动词课件 * * 腔押酗节湾收秃租密牧悟兵脆销帅僵叮践棒诀跟吨菱接演熬耪算辊董材脏Unit 5非谓语动词课件Unit 5非谓语动词课件 * * 空夸芝特嘿淀涛娜椒触并瀑劫太头茵毕厄悔旗郧兵留扮垮享后饶半柯节窑Unit 5非谓语动词课件Unit 5非谓语动词课件 * Unit 5 突系驾靛式摧舟肥鳃獭沥钳屿倚傅戮


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