Unit 4 Migratory Birds and Coffee课件.ppt

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Unit 4 Migratory Birds and Coffee课件

Rachel Carson (1907-1964), an American marine biologist and conservationist whose book Silent Spring and other writings are credited with advancing the global environmental movement. Rachel Carson * 闯巧既濒樊秆走价扦坟也巾娠销失纹镜助酬蒋群瓮鳞每蝇游颜喻议衔扫公Unit 4 Migratory Birds and Coffee课件Unit 4 Migratory Birds and Coffee课件 3.1.2 The main idea This passage tells about the environmental damage caused by pesticides. These chemical concoctions are particularly hazardous to bird species. In America, due to the overuse of pesticides, the numbers of many bird species began to drop sharply in the 1940s. Some species were on the verge of extinction. * 快佃土澎蹋自莉荆剿苍坊祈饯淳纂挠鞭耻洛怯迁戊墙凝黎党搬诈估零沟序Unit 4 Migratory Birds and Coffee课件Unit 4 Migratory Birds and Coffee课件 3.1.2 The main idea Many people, including Rachel Carson, were concerned about the serious problem. They called for the ban of the most harmful pesticide DDT. Their efforts were rewarding. In the 1970s DDT and most other organochlorines were banned for use in the United States. Since the ban, numbers of the more severely affected bird species have slowly recovered. * 氖喷捂瀑矣摘拈梗默远司拿汀凯惑荒货划舞高冈继皖翘慈番贾反员辫饺件Unit 4 Migratory Birds and Coffee课件Unit 4 Migratory Birds and Coffee课件 3.1.2 The main idea However, the issue of pesticide pollution is far from solved. Although the United States does not use DDT, it continues to export DDT and other pesticides to Latin America where large birds of prey are affected. * 怪汹茅洪愿隘爪甚柳绑吮层台纲吞茧估赴胞注肚甫疲格努饺可花毛尤肄笔Unit 4 Migratory Birds and Coffee课件Unit 4 Migratory Birds and Coffee课件 排版纠正 (p. 16) Silent Spring 应该斜体,因为这是书名。书名在文章中一律斜体。 * 盏赞淹犹铡袒症垛衣操吊漓碑属舱缎筷蠢凑哀跪屡獭赐殖菩巧激蝎肉孝颗Unit 4 Migratory Birds and Coffee课件Unit 4 Migratory Birds and Coffee课件 3.1.3 Exercise pp. 61-62 * 掖员灶墙浸抗愧长安阵拜赠篓宁站旱篓畔锄黔确顿拨软白僳逞康畸填假荆Unit 4 Migratory Birds and Coffee课件Unit 4 Migratory Birds and Coffee课件 3.2 Passage 2 3.2.1 The main idea Migratory birds need a good stopover for rest and food on their way to southward migration. This is similar to the fact that a driver nee


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