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unit3 Believe and Achieve课件

Unit 3 Believe and Achieve 波备谈挽谴繁勺慨嫂玻厂渭霄葡龚踌嘛瓦闹梨苗裸磊痴舞赫箭羹兼码朔蒲unit3 Believe and Achieve课件unit3 Believe and Achieve课件 New Words and Phrases Teaching objectives Master the new words and expressions and can use them freely Teaching methods Explaining 茨屉义颧司屏圈硬小臀幸猛孺娟篡卜氟洽蛹踏荡隐馏糠液粥抹特痈东撅枝unit3 Believe and Achieve课件unit3 Believe and Achieve课件 plus prep. with the addition of 加,加上 e.g. What’s 3 plus 5? n.正号 减号 minus 壕缔买挥尖劫市辩浆责誓瞳哈递簇式喉同玩牺浊卷瞳张溉胃垣荔牵劳洼冷unit3 Believe and Achieve课件unit3 Believe and Achieve课件 altogether ad. entirely, completely; including everything.完全,全部地; 总共 e.g. 1. He is altogether wrong in what he says. 他那样说是完全错误的。 2. I owe him $1,000 altogether. 我一共欠他1000美元。 堡斤西摆绝业镑楷茬菱腥慨鲤赔技豪稗镶惟燃蜡育钩疫始例镐于沙流究户unit3 Believe and Achieve课件unit3 Believe and Achieve课件 frustrate vt. 使沮丧;使灰心;挫败;阻止 e.g. 1. She felt frustrated when she didn’t get a promotion after all her hard work. 她辛辛苦苦地工作, 却没有得到提升, 这使她灰心丧气。 2. It was frustrating to work for such a demanding boss. 为这样一位苛刻的老板干活令人沮丧。 视仿掂近淡贿徘缘罪雹雍唇伪沧梳鸳翼笺靶劈稚舀赖撤坏障缓菲吏塞砷际unit3 Believe and Achieve课件unit3 Believe and Achieve课件 withdraw (withdrew, withdrawn) vi. 退出;离开;撤退;变得怕羞;变得沉默寡言;变得内向 e.g. 1. He talked to us for an hour and then withdrew. 他和我谈了一个小时就离开了。 2. Unless the contract is signed immediately, I shall withdraw my offer. 除非立即签订合同,否则我就撤出我的资金。 withdraw into oneself 离群索居 汪件多淬拾凉鹤矿怎答桃烁台铣机个耘镁例箍毡悼潦酿汛湖奏泊抚花喻冷unit3 Believe and Achieve课件unit3 Believe and Achieve课件 opposite 1. n. 对立的人(或物) 2. a. 相反的; 对立的; 完全不同的 1). Light is the opposite of heavy. 轻是重的反义词 2). Mary is very generous, but her sister is just the opposite. 玛丽很慷慨,可她妹妹却正好相反。 钟襟川馒赎砸棵谢气京舜盏胶戳坍立紊觉窜顽屠汲杏佯哈狞趴辩痊祁肢敢unit3 Believe and Achieve课件unit3 Believe and Achieve课件 prompt 1. vt. 促使;激励 e.g. Japan’s recession(经济衰退) has prompted consumers to cut back on buying cars. 日本经济的不景气使得消费者在购买车辆上减少了开支。 2. adj. 敏捷的; 迅速的; 立刻的 It is not too late, but prompt action is needed. 现在还不算晚,但是需要立即采取行动。 傅秀巢柑涧彩溃佑稠皇蜕县肾滑宰奖慈掖滥但拔洞哥酌唉禹抿岁恋巢萤畦unit3 Believe and Ac


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