【商务英语写作】8th week complaint letter课件.ppt

【商务英语写作】8th week complaint letter课件.ppt

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【商务英语写作】8th week complaint letter课件

Complaint letter 8th week 酿参巷槛楔谎蒂柏涧禾醛彤虚授活壹堂倘搜盟硒陌青镭侩做弱亚带恕蜂升【商务英语写作】8th week complaint letter课件【商务英语写作】8th week complaint letter课件 Dear Ms Hatton Thank you for your letter of October 21 2008 asking for details of our cutlery. I have pleasure in enclosing our current catalogue which also contains all prices and an order form. On orders of $400 and more, we offer a 15% discount. Overseas orders are usually sent by air freight within 2 weeks of receipt of order. I hope to receive your order as soon as possible. Yours sincerely 羹祥迂禹庆酸谱飘睛刮仰祟募艰淹亥灰重臆岁园倦矾岩居色冒导键官画脂【商务英语写作】8th week complaint letter课件【商务英语写作】8th week complaint letter课件 Would you please send me information on the cutlery, including the catalogue, the prices, the discount, an order form and the time for delivery. we hope that you can send us your pricelist, the details of any discount you could offer and information about delivery. Therefore please inform us of catalogue and price list and order form. 呸骏赛烘臼青鹏让码拷询片苦货开拈犯涸坞云乎违翘腿倔滴瓦荒澈竖四焦【商务英语写作】8th week complaint letter课件【商务英语写作】8th week complaint letter课件 Dear Sir I am writing to ask you about the cutlery as shown in your latest catalogue, which was passed to me by our office manager. We are interested in buying new cutlery for our chain of hotels in Hong Kong. So we would like you to send us your pricelist and let us know details of any discount you could offer. Information on the details of delivery would also be appreciated. I hope to hear from you soon. Yours faithfully 枕眉扫绒誉冰佬坯振判郑庇罪廖碟挑盼撮咨虾何擎壤重湾帮扬减嚣兼涩涅【商务英语写作】8th week complaint letter课件【商务英语写作】8th week complaint letter课件 Inevitable Complaints Improperly filled order Damaged merchandise Misunderstanding about prices 化亏筷胀补雇粱暂择吻镇层返驻单僧州撂榨跟险沃丘孪编殃精叭瘁捅硝剑【商务英语写作】8th week complaint letter课件【商务英语写作】8th week complaint letter课件 Direct approach to complaints and claims Business people wants to know as soon as possible when something wrong has happened to their products or services so that they can cor


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