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40 4 Vo l40 N o4 2 0 0 8 4 JOURNAL OF HARBIN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Apr. 2008 徐 超, 张耀春, 卢孝哲 ( , 1500 0, Em ail: xu chao 2003@ 163. com ) - - : 为了研究薄壁钢管混凝土柱的抗震性能, 对 6根方形设肋薄壁钢管混凝土柱在反复荷载作用下的 回性能进行了试验研究, 试验主要参数为轴压比( n = 03~ 06). 结果表明: 当轴压比 05 时, 回曲线 较为饱满, 延性系数均 3以上. 随着轴压比的增大, 构件的承载力略有提高, 延性明显降低. 采用有限元程 序ABAQUS65计算每 个试件的荷载- 位移 回曲线, 计算结果与试验结果吻合较好. 在此基础上进行参数 分析, 研究混凝土强度钢板强度轴压比长细比钢板厚度对构件 回性能的影响. 并通过回归分析建立了 薄壁钢管混凝土压弯构件的荷载- 位移恢复力模型, 模型的计算结果与试验结果吻合较好. : 薄壁钢管混凝土柱; 回性能; 轴压比; 恢复力模型 : TU3 8 : A : 0367- 6234(2008) 04- 0514- 07 R estoring force m odel of square concrete- filled th in- walled steel tubu lar colum n w ith ribs XU Chao, ZHANG Y aochun, LU X iaozhe ( School of C ivil Eng ineering, H arb in Institu te of Technology, H arb in 1500 0, Ch ina, Em ail: xu chao 2003@ 163. com ) - - Abs tract: In order to study the seism ic behavior of concrete- filled thin- w alled steel tubular ( CFTST ) col umns, the hysteretic behavior of six CFTST columnsw ith ribs under cyclic load ingw ere investigated by tests, the main param eterwas axial load ratio( n = 03~ 06). T est resu lts show thatwhen the ax ial load ratio is be low 05, the specmi en has plump hysteretic curve and the ductility coefficient is greater than 3, w ith the in creasing of axial load ratio, the load capacity of column increases slightly, but the ductility decreases sign ifi cantly. The finite elem ent program ABAQU S65 w as used to smi u late the hysteretic curve of each specmi en and the calculated results are


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