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  Nunan任务评估理念下《新编实用英语》习作任务设定之研究----英语范文论文 --Chapter1 Introduction 1.1Research Background 在任何教学和学习过程中,材料被视为一种重要的资源,以满足已根据学习者的需要(干了Cunnings,2002:7)设置的目标和宗旨。努南(1991:208)提出了“材料,无论是商业开发或教师制作课程的一个重要元素,它往往是最有形可见的方面。”材料评估的目的是试图测量材料的价值。材料评估的一个重要方面是,以测试材料的有效性,即会见格林评估的材料是否已经被行政机关决定,以及看材料是否可以帮助学习者实现自己的学习目标,学习目标可以实现。这种类型的评估可以帮助教师识别材料之秩序,教师可以充分利用强大的点,加强薄弱环节,通过适应特定的长处和短处。在其他方面,它也是必要,教师评估材料,选择最合适的材料,以满足其特定的教学环境。在这种情况下,“评估是一种判断健身的东西,无论任何特定目的”(哈钦森水域,2002)。此外,“即使老师不会评估采用的材料,他们很可能会对评估作为一个有用的过程中自己的权利,给材料的组织原则和洞察,帮助他们保持在该领域的发展“(麦克多诺和肖,2002)。In any teaching and learning process, materials are regarded as an importantresource to fulfill objectives and aims ercially developed or teacher-produced, are an important element , and are often the most tangible and visible aspect of it.”The aim of material evaluation refers to the attempts to measure materials’ value.One important aspect of material evaluation is to test effectiveness of material, i.e. tosee aterial evaluated can achieve the learning objectives that havealready been determined by administrative authority as aterial can help learners to achieve their oaterialsin order that the teachers can make full use of strong points and strengthen aterials for choosing most appropriate materials to meet their specific teachingcontexts. In that case, “evaluation is a matter of judging the fitness of something for aparticular purpose” (Hutchinson cDonough Shaent of education, the role of EFL materials is different fromthe traditional one. Noore and more people regard modern EFL materials asa stimulus for learners’ municative reaction and a trigger for their learning. Thiskind of materials focuses on the learning process instead of the result. At the sametime, the roles of teachers and learners have also changed a lot. They are the partnersin real munication and the sharers of the target language. This change of roles isthe result of the change of task design in the materials. There has been a shift in thetask design of modern materia --ls from t



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