秘书英语 Unit 2课件.ppt

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秘书英语 Unit 2课件

Unit 2 How does a secretary work at the office ;Brain storm ;;掌握秘书工作职责、写商务信函的基本知识 了解如何处理好与上司和同事之间的工作关系 熟悉商务礼仪;Section 1 Meeting the Office Staff;Language points:;;Section 2 Getting Along Well with One’s Boss and Colleagues ;;;  1 Show respect. Your boss is responsible for your work and the work of your colleagues. That can be a significant burden. Try to understand the business from your bosss perspective. 尊重上司,站在他的角度去理解问题。 ?   2 Dont be afraid of your boss. Some supervisors can be intimidating, but remember, your boss needs you. Your performance is often key to the success of your boss. 不要惧怕你的领导。即使他很强势,他还是希望你为他分忧。 ?;   3 Dont try to hide problems. First, try to solve the problem. If you cant and the problem becomes serious, let your supervisor know as soon as possible. 碰到你无法解决的事情要及时向上司汇报,不要让其他人把你的问题汇报给上司。 ?   4 Give honest feedback. Of course, temper your honesty with diplomacy. Choose your words wisely and use a gentle tone. Both should promote and contribute to an environment of mutual respect. 对上司讲真话。当然,你要小心措辞。 ;  5 Maintain your boundaries. Getting too cozy too soon may lead to trouble. Not to mention that many bosses like to keep a professional veil between themselves and their employees.和上司过快地表现得很亲近可能会有麻烦,所以还是保持一定的距离比较好。 ? 6 Manage your anger. This doesnt mean you have to sit and stew when youre angry. But learn how to communicate your anger appropriately. 在上司面前发火只会说明你缺乏自控能力。你要学会合理地化解郁气。 ?;  7 Learn to translate boss language. If its not too much trouble means Do it, and the sooner the better. 你要学会“翻译”上司的话语,当上司说“如果这不是太麻烦的话”,他的实际意思是“做吧,尽快去做”。 ?   8 Embrace your strengths and face your shortcomings. Recognize your own talents and nurture them. Ask your supervisor for advice to help you grow in areas where youre weak. Take his or her advice and make an honest effort to improve. 发扬优点,改正缺点。 ;Respect the cultural differences;Section 4 Getting Some Knowledge of Business Etiquette ; 涉外礼仪的原则 (1)不卑不亢,互相尊重 (2)入乡随俗,求同存异 (


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