炼铸轧集成计划与调度组批模型及算法 - 控制与决策.pdf

炼铸轧集成计划与调度组批模型及算法 - 控制与决策.pdf

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炼铸轧集成计划与调度组批模型及算法 - 控制与决策

绗?8 鍗 绗? 鏈 鎺 鍒 涓 鍐 绛 2013 骞 8 鏈 Vol. 28 No. 8 Control and Decision Aug. 2013 鏂囩珷缂栧彿: 1001-0920 (2013) 08-1257-06 鐐奸摳杞ч泦鎴愯鍒掍笌璋冨害缁勬壒妯″瀷鍙婄畻娉 寮犳棴鍚? 鍚曞織姘 (鍖椾含绉戞妧澶у楂樻晥杞у埗鍥藉宸ョ▼鐮旂┒涓績锛屽寳浜?00083) 鎽 瑕? 涓烘彁楂樼儹瑁呮壒閲忚鍒掔殑璋冨害鍙鎬? 鏋勫缓涓€绉嶉泦鎴愭壒閲忚鍒掔被鍨嬪強閮ㄥ垎璋冨害绾︽潫鐨勬壒閲忚鍒掔害鏉熸弧瓒虫ā鍨? 骞堕噰鐢ㄦ樉鎬у熀鍥犵殑绾︽潫閬椾紶绠楁硶杩涜浼樺寲姹傝В. 鍦ㄤ紭鍖栬繃绋嬩腑, 閲囩敤涓€绉嶄互鎻愰珮鎵归噺璁″垝鐨勮皟搴﹀彲琛屾€х殑鍩轰簬閭诲煙 杩為€氱殑蹇€熷垽瀹氭柟娉? 鍚屾椂鍒╃敤鍒ゅ畾杩斿洖鐨勪俊鎭瀯寤烘樉鎬у熀鍥犳寚瀵间紭鍖栬繃绋? 鏈€鍚庡埄鐢ㄥ疄闄呯敓浜ф暟鎹繘琛屾祴璇? 缁撴灉 琛ㄦ槑, 鎵€鎻愬嚭鐨勬ā鍨嬪拰绠楁硶鑳藉鎻愰珮鐑鐜囧拰鎵归噺璁″垝璋冨害鐨勫彲琛屾€? 骞朵笖绠楁硶鐨勬墽琛屾晥鐜囧彲婊¤冻瀹為檯搴旂敤鐨勮姹? 鍏抽敭璇岤 闆嗘垚璁″垝涓庤皟搴︼紱绾︽潫瑙勫垝锛涚害鏉熸弧瓒虫ā鍨嬶紱鏄炬€у熀鍥狅紱閭诲煙鍒ゅ畾 涓浘鍒嗙被鍙耳 TP312 鏂囩尞鏍囧織鐮? A Model and solution of integrated batch planning and scheduling for steelmaking-continuous casting-hot rolling ZHANG Xu-jun, LV Zhi-min (National Engineering Research Center for Advanced Rolling锛孶niversity of Science and Technology Beijing 锛孊eijing 100083锛孋hina. Correspondent 锛歀V Zhi-min 锛孍-mail 锛歭vzhimin@nercar.ustb.edu.cn) Abstract: In order to improve the feasibility of the bath planning and to achieve a high level hot charge rate, a model integrated batch planning and scheduling is established. The problem can be formulated as a constraint satisfaction problem, the constraints in batch planning and some of the constraints in scheduling are taken into account in the model. An optimization method combined genetic algorithm with dominant gene and constraint programming is proposed to solve the model. In the process of solving, a judgment criterion based neighborhood connectivity is presented to improve the feasibility of the batch planning. And according to the returned information of the judgment criterion, dominant


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