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本科毕业设计(论文) 题 目 基于单片机的时控插座设计 专业班级 学 号 学生姓名 指导教师 设计所在单位 基于单片机的时控插座设计 摘要:随着家用电器的越来越普及和人们生活节奏的加快,人们对电器的依赖性进一步提高,对电器的定时需求也进一步增大。定时开关插座可用于电饭煲、饮水机、电视机、电脑等需要定时供电的场合。定时开关插座的使用能够做到节能、安全、方便等。本文介绍了一种基于STC89C51RC单片机的定时开关插座设计方案。 本文首先介绍定时开关插座设计要实现的功能,接着阐述系统电路的设计及原理说明,包括设计方案选择、关键元器件介绍、电路设计说明(包括电源电路、键盘、单片机控制电路、液晶1602显示、继电器工作电路)软件设计流程以及系统的测试。最后总结了定时开关插座设计完成的任务,分析系统的不足并提出了系统的应用展望。 关键词:STC89C51RC;定时插座;1602液晶;键盘 Design of Control Outlet Based on SCM Abstract:With the increasing popularity of home appliances and the People living rhythm speeding up, the dependence of people on electrical appliances further to improve, the demand of timing also further increasing. Socket timer switch can be used in the occasions where need for regular supply such as rice cookers, water dispenser, TV, computer, timer switch electric blankets. The use of socket timer switch can be energy saving, safe, healthy, and convenient and so on.This article presents a timer switch socket design which is based on the AT89S52 microcontroller. This paper introduces the function what the timer switch socket design should achieve first of all, and then describes the circuit design and principles of the system description, including design choices, concerning component description, circuit design description (including the power circuit, keyboard, single chip control circuit, LCD 1602 display ,the relay operating circuit), software design and testing of the system. Finally, it will sum up the timer switch socket design the tasks should be completed, analyze system’s deficiencies and propose the system’s application prospect. Key words:STC89C51RC,Timer switch,LCD 1602,Keyboard 目录 第一章 绪论 1 1.1 选题的目的与意义 1 1.2本课题在国内外的发展现状及趋势 1 1.3 本课题要解决的主要问题 2 第二章 系统设计方案 3 2.1 系统结构与功能 3 2.2 方案框图 3 2.2.1 方案1 3 2.2.2 方案2 3 2.3 开关的选择 4 2.4 显示方式选择 4 2.5 时钟


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