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个体差异和相对职业应付 Individual-Difference Variables and Career-Related Coping DEBUSE ROTONDO Department of Management Salisbury State University The Journal of Social Psychology Vol. 139 No. 4, August 1999 引言 组织精简和重组的影响 生涯平台 人力资源的主要挑战 研究主题 The effects of downsizing and restructuring A career plateau The major human-resource challenge My research center 应付职业平台 Coping With a Career Plateau 介绍 相对生涯应付策略 个体差异变量 假设 Introduction Career-Related Coping Strategies Individual-Difference Variable Hypothesis 介绍 职业压力 已经做过的研究 应付是什么? 常用模式 Career Stress The research being done What is Coping The pattern recognized by Elsass and Raslton 相对生涯应付策略 Career-Related Coping Strategies 积极策略 问题中心 情感中心 消极策略 Positive Strategies problem-focused emotion focused negative 问题中心 problem-focused 什么是问题中心应付 问题中心 横向转移 新工作 作为导师 成为功能或技术专家 在团队中工作 What is Problem-focused Coping Problem-focused lateral transfers new job duties Mentors Technical experts Work on special projects or teams 情感中心 emotion focused 什么是情感中心 情感中心 社会支持 事业重估 What is emotion focused Emotion focused social supporting reappraisal 消极策略 negative strategies 情感中心 消极策略 抱怨组织和管理者 降低工作质量和数量 使用酒精和药品 离开 All emotion focused Negative strategies blaming the organization Reducing the quality or quantity of the their work Use of alcohol or drugs Leave the organization 个体差异变量 Individual-Difference Variables 成就感 工作态度 消极情感 年龄 工龄 性别 种族 Need for achievement Job involvement Negative affectivity Age Tenure Gender Race 假设 hypothesis 假设1 成就感 假设2 工作态度 假设3 消极情感 假设4 年龄和工龄 Hypothesis1 need for achievement Hypothesis2 job involvement Hypotheses3 negative affectivity Hypotheses4 age and tenure 假设1 hypothesis1 什么是成就感 成就感与积极策略正相关,与消极策略负相关。 Need for achievement High need for achievement will be associated with the use of positive strategies and negatively associated with the use of negative strategies 假设2 hypothesis2 工作态度 工作态度与积极策略正相关,与消极策略负相关 Job involvement High job involvement w


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