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;;;;;US CN EU;高考听说考试中如何进行速记?;Why? 为何速记?;What? 速记什么?;How? 如何速记?;符号;速记符号之二;速记符号之三;;Anyone who took piano or violin lessons as a kid knows that learning an instrument can be difficult.;Example2;弗禹膏离披哉休鳃毅寒胯涧赫母煎寞起塘世尿可穗驱裴销嫁虞纤添呸动渺听说考试速记技巧课件听说考试速记技巧课件;Let’s practise: 1. The Students’ Union is going to hold a party on Saturday evening, August 15, to welcome our friends from the United States. 2. There will be music, dancing, singing, games and exchange of gifts. 3. Remember to wrap it up, sign your name and write a few words of good wishes. ;2014年惠州二模: Part C Story Retelling (故事复述) 故事梗概: 小时候喜欢寄收明信片,长大后有一回寄了一张明信片给自己…… 关键词: Singapore 新加坡 post 邮政 celebrate 庆祝 mailbox 邮箱 delight 高兴 ;复述范文: In my childhood, I loved to go to the post office with my mother. (信息点1) She often sent greeting cards to my aunt in Singapore. (信息点2) I was more excited to receive the cards from my aunt. (信息点3)After I grew up, I seldom went to post office. (信息点4) One day, I celebrated my birthday with my good friends on a high Chinese mountain. (信息点5) When we came down from the summit, a shop with a post sign came to our view. (信息点6) I asked my friends to write down a birthday note for me (信息点7) and sent the card to myself. (信息点8) Three weeks later, I was excited to receive the postcard from the mountain. (信息点9) After that, I often send postcards to friends. (信息点10);听力速记技巧小结: (1)不要大量记录单词和短语,而要使用符号、缩写、图形来代替。 (2)不要横着写而要竖着写,竖起来记有利于保持好意思以及数量等信息之间的逻辑界限。 (3)逻辑关系要清楚明了,不要记流水账。 总之,我们自己要多进行速记强化训练,养成边听边记笔记的好习惯。 每个人对记录符号的使用可能不一样,所以要形成属于自己风格的速记方法,才能在听说考试中取得优异成绩。;Thats all, thanks!


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