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47. approve v. ①[I]赞成,同意[反disapprove] ②[T]批准,通过 【练习】 完成句子 ①我担心你的父母不会赞成你到那儿去。 Im afraid your parents wont ____________________ your going there. ②市长批准了这个计划。 The mayor ________ the plan. ③他用微笑表示赞成。 He showed his ________ by smiling. 【答案】 ①approve of  ②approved  ③approval 48. argue v. [I/T]争辩,争论 【练习】完成句子 ①我不想与你争辩。 Im not going to ___________________________. ②我和他就这个问题已经争论两个小时了。 I have been arguing __________________________ this problem for two hours. ③他们为罢工的权利辩论。 They argued ____________________ the right to strike. 【答案】 ①argue with you  ②with him about/on/over ③for/against  【练习】 用argue, debate, discuss的适当形式填空 ④At the meeting we ____________ matters most interesting to us. ⑤She ____________ that literature has no relation to reality. ⑥The two sides ____________ with each other about who was better for a whole day. 【答案】 ④discussed  ⑤argued  ⑥debated 49. arise v. ①[I]出现,发生[同occur] ②[I]起(风、雾等) ③[I](主要用于诗文中)起床[同get up];起立,起身[同stand up] 【练习】完成句子/英译汉 ①如果出现什么问题,请告诉我。 If ___________________________, please let me know. ②该问题是由缺乏经验引起的。 The problem ___________________ lack of experience. ③A storm arose during the night. ___________________________ ④She arises at six every day. ___________________________ 【答案】 ①any problem arises  ②arose from/out of ③夜间刮起了风暴。 ④她每天早上6点钟起床。 【练习】 用arise, rise, raise, arouse的适当形式填空/单项选择 ⑤He ________ his voice so as to be heard. ⑥She ________ four pigs and many chickens. ⑦The river is ________ after the rain. So we cant swim in it. ⑧I ________ by my aunt on the farm. ⑨What he said and done has ________ my curiosity. ⑩She ________ and left the room. ?He ________ a lot of money with the help of the painter. ?Low achievement at school ________ from poverty and bad social conditions. A. rises B. arises C. arouses D. raises 【答案】 ⑤raised  ⑥raised  ⑦rising  ⑧was raised ⑨aroused  ⑩rose ?raised ?B 句意:学校里学生成绩差常常是由贫困和不良社会条件引起的。 50. arrange v. ①[I/T] 安排,布置 ②[T]整理,排列 【练习】完成句子



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