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文件掃描程序指引: 所有簽證種類的申請文件將由簽證中心掃描以電子檔方式傳輸至英國簽證移民署(UKVI) 。 接受僅提交影本文件,但影本文件必須非常清楚且清晰。 為防止送件程序延誤,請務必詳閱及參照以下說明: 所有文件必須為A4 尺寸,且為一般白色影印紙,不得使用廢紙。 所有大於或小於A4 尺寸的文件,皆須影印成A4規格,包括舊護照的每一頁(欲提供舊護照 者) 。 所有文件不得使用訂書針,迴紋針或是圖釘裝訂。 撕裂、起皺或有摺痕的文件無法掃描,必須重新影印成A4規格。 文件不可護貝 。 您必須按照下面列出的類別對您希望提交的文件進行排序和分隔。然後,必須從VFS Global網 站下載每個類別的分頁條碼,並將其放在每組文件的頂部。您可以在分頁條碼上找到每個文 件的所屬類別。 此程序必須在到達簽證中心櫃台提交文件之前完成。 您有責任確保提交的文件符合上述所有規定 。反之可能會導致您無法在簽證中心順利送件 。 This barcode separator needs to be submitted with :  Sponsor passport copy ================================================================================= Instructions to applicants :  It is your responsibility to separate out your documents and place the relevant barcode separator on top of each pile of documents.  This has to be done before you reach the application submission counter.  Photocopies can be submitted, but they must be clear and legible.  All documents should be A4 size.  Any documents which are smaller or larger than A4 must be photocopied onto A4 sized paper. This includes previous passports and photographs.  All documents must be free from any clips/ pins before th ey are submitted.  Torn, crumpled or heavily creased documents cannot be accepted. Therefore they must be photocopied onto A4 sized paper before they are submitted. ================================================================================= This barcode separator needs to be submitted with :  Sponsorship letter ================================================================================== Instructions to applicants :  It is your responsibility to separate out your documents and place the relevant barcode separator on top of each pile of documents.  This has to be done before you reach the application submission counter.  Photocopies can be submitted, but they must be clear and legible


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