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文章分析:李雪、龙飘飘 PPT制作、讲解:何宁宁 * * * * Credit cards enable their holders to obtain goods and services on credit. 信用卡能使持卡人通过赊账的方式购买商品, 得到服务。 短语“On credit”在本句中做方式状语,意为:‘凭赊账方式…’ 例如:We bought the dishwasher on credit. 我们赊购了一台洗碗机。 They are issued by retail stores, banks, credit card companies to approved clients. 信用卡由零售商店、银行和信用卡公司 发放给经过批准的客户。 issue: 在本句话中为动词词性,意为“发给、供给”, 英文解释为give sth to sb, especially officially to (正式发给) issue passports: 发护照 issue visas: 发签证 The bank or credit card company settles the clients bills, invoicing him monthly and charging interest on any outstanding debts. 银行或信用卡公司结清客户的账单,按月给 客户开列其消费清单,收取欠款的利息。 settle: 支付、结算 例如:We still have that telephone bill to settle. 我们还有那笔电话费的帐要付。 Their profit comes from ①the high rate of interests charged, ②the card holders subscriptions, and③ the fees paid by some organizations that accept cards. 这些金融机构的利润来自所收取的高额利息、持卡人 支付的认购费以及接受信用卡消费的单位所缴纳的代 理费。 Comes from后面接的是利润的三方面来源,最后的一个分句中 ”that accept cards“是定语从句,修饰的是organizations subscriptions:订费 First popular in California, credit cards spread throughout the United States and most of Western Europe during the late 1960s. 信用卡最初流行于加利福尼亚州,后来 在20世纪60年代后期推广到整个美国和 西欧的大多数国家。 ”First popular in California“省略了主语和谓语,翻译时应补充完整。 Although credit cards are becoming a more acceptable part of the financial scene,they are still regarded with suspicion by many as being a major part of the “live now,pay later”syndrome. 虽然信用卡正成为金融业更能接受的付款方式, 但许多人仍心存疑虑,把信用卡看成是 “现在 生活,以后支付”的生活方式的主要表现。 原文把“live now, pay later”译为 “寅吃卯粮”,虽然简练,但不是很通俗易懂,所以我们组译为了“现在生活,以后支付”。 scene: 活动领域 “the financial scene”则译为“金融业 ” Of course, it is only the foolhardy who succumb to the temptation to live, temporarily at least, beyond their means, and such people would no doubt manage to do so even without credit cards. 当然,只有没有头脑的人才经不起诱惑去过入不敷出 的日子(至少暂时如此),其实,即使没有信



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