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我們都愛惜樹木。健康的樹木是我們的珍貴資產,它們的價值會隨著成長而提升。和其他 生物一樣,樹木會 經歷生長和老化,它們的狀況亦會跟隨時間和環境 而改變。為了提供一個舒 適和安全的居住環境, 業主及物業管理人士需要在風雨季來臨前做好準備,檢查和妥善護養 其 物業範圍內的樹木。 發展局轄下的綠化、園境及樹木管理組歡迎市民出席以下的講座,以提高 公眾對良好樹木 護養的認識。 We all love trees. Trees, in particular those with good health and structure, are valuable assets and their value will increase over time. Like other organisms, trees will grow and age and their conditions would vary with time and environmental conditions. In order to maintain a comfortable and safe living environment with trees, the property owners and estate management should arrange for inspection and take proper mitigation measures in timely manners of their trees. The Greening, Landscape and Tree Management Section in the Development Bureau welcomes the public to attend a seminar in order to enhance the general knowledge on proper tree care. Details are as follows: 2016.03.15 星期二( Tue) 2016.04.14 星期四( Thu) 2016.04.21 星期四( Thu) 下午 2時 30 分至下午5時 2:30 pm to 5:00 pm 大埔安邦路12號 九龍 尖沙咀梳士巴利道 10號 香港銅鑼灣高士威道 66號 大埔文娛中心活動室(二) 香港太空館演講廳 香港中央圖書館演講廳 Function Room (2) Lecture Hall Lecture Theatre Tai Po Civic Centre Hong Kong Space Museum Hong Kong Central Library 12 On Pong Road 10 Salisbury Road 66 Causeway Road Tai Po Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon Causeway Bay, Hong Kong 內容: 基本樹木及其護理知識、如何識別和報告有問題樹木 Content: Basic tree knowledge and tree care; How to distinguish and report problematic trees 語言: 粵語 Language: Cantonese 費用全免 ,座位有限,先到先得。 查詢請致電 2 8 4 8 2 3 3 4 Free admission. Seats are offered on first‐come‐first serve basis. For enquiries, please


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