module 2 my new teachers grammar概要.ppt

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module 2 my new teachers grammar概要

考虑 建议 盼 原谅, consider, suggest/advise, look forward to, forgive/excuse/pardon 承认 推迟 没得想. admit, delay/put off, feel like? 避免 错过 继续 练, avoid, miss, keep/keep on, practise 否认 完成 就欣赏. deny, finish, enjoy/appreciate 禁止 想象 才冒险, forbid, imagine, risk 不禁 介意 准 逃亡. cant help, mind, allow/permit, escape 我们误了5:30的班车,这意味着还得等一个小时。(mean) We missed the 5:30 bus, which means waiting for another hour. 我真的喜欢在农场干活。(enjoy) I really enjoyed working on the farm. 她听完了新闻。(finish) She had finished listening to the news. 我盼望见到你。 I am looking forward to seeing you. 医生建议多运动。(advise) The doctor advised taking more exercise. 这个男孩承认偷了我的钱。 The boy admit stealing my money. * Grammar: –ing form 1. But now, after two weeks, the class really likes working with her. 2. I’ve always hated making mistakes or pronouncing a word incorrectly… 3. There are a few students who keep coming to class late… 4. I think this is because he really enjoys teaching Chinese literature. Verbs followed by -ing 注意: ① 有些动词既可以接doing也可以接 to do,但表达的意思大不相同。 如:remember, forget, stop, try, mean, regret remember doing sth 记得曾经做过某事 remember to do sth 记住做某事 (动作已发生) (动作还没有发生) I remember seeing you somewhere in London. 我记得在伦敦什么地方见到过你。 Do you remember to post the letter? 你记住寄这封信了吗? forget doing sth 忘记曾经做过某事 forget to do sth 忘记去做某事 (动作已发生) (动作还没有发生) I shall never forget hearing her singing that song. 我将不会忘记听她唱那支歌的情景。 I have forgotten to bring my umbrella. 我忘了带伞。 stop doing 停止做某事 stop to do sth 停下来去做某事 Please stop talking aloud. 请不要大声说话。 They stopped to listen, but there was no more sound. 他们停下来一听,但已经没有什么声音了。 try doing 试着做某事 try to do sth 尽力去做某事 Why not try doing it in some other way? 为什么不用其他办法试一试呢? I tried to solve the problem but I couldn’t. 我努力解答那个数学题,但我解不出。 “做做看”之意 “想要努力去做”之意,但实际上有没有做是另一回事。 mean to do sth 打算做某事 mean doing 意味着…… Missing the bus mean


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