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The decision was reached overnight. Overnight work makes him so tired that he can hardly attend the meeting on time. The rules are not going to change overnight. review vt./vi. 复习 vt. 审度;评论 N-COUNT 复习;审查 The president reviewed the situation with his cabinet yesterday. Richard Coles reviews all the latest video releases. Mike is busy with reviewing for the final exam. Welcome to my class! Im Horace and my chinese name is Hu Zhaogang. Im a local resident. And when i was in college, i was majored in English. I have a lot of hobbies, such as listening to music, traveling etc.. Basic elements of self-introduction name, last name of birth or age c.backgrounds: family background, education background d.interests or hobbies e.etc.... The summer holiday has ended, and its high time that we should pick ourself up and prepare for the new semester. Whatever you used to be, its never too late to learn! Unit 1 How can we become good learners? Vocabulary: conversation N-COUNT 交谈、谈话 He is a talkative guy, and i struck up a conversation with him.(和某人交谈) When i arrived i found her in conversation with Mrs Williams.(正在谈话、正在交谈) He had been trying to make conversation.(搭话,往往只是出于礼貌) sentence N-COUNT 句子 Verb/N-VAR 判刑、宣判 expression N-VAR 表达、表述 表情、神情 Levin sat there, an expression of sadness on his face. Laughter is one of the most infectious expressions of emotion. secret N-COUNT/adj. 机密(的)、秘密(的) N-SING 诀窍、秘诀 Dan found out that his girlfriend had been meeting her ex-boyfriend in secret. (秘密地、暗地里) Tom was utterly indiscreet, and could never keep a secret.(保守秘密) The secret of success is honesty and fair dealing. note N-COUNT 便条;笔记;注释;纸币 vt. 注意到、留意到 N-SING (说话的)声调、语气 Steven wrote him a note asking him to come to his apartment. She wasnt taking notes on the lecture. See Note 16 on p. 223. They noted that their names had been removed from the list. Take note of the weather conditions.(注意、留心) ph


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