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Rebecca 刮梧眨菩恐苏已痢宋气胁凤娟姐淳牺名捆屡认踌逊鳖吠譬脓梨饱击及笋卡rebecca简介课件rebecca简介课件 About the author Daphne du Maurier (1907-1989), born in London. She is a British author. Her father was Sir Gerald du Maurier, the leading actor and manager at Wyndham’s Theatre in London. Her mother, Muriel, was an actress and her grandfather, George du Maurier, was an artist and writer. So Daphne and her tow sisters grew up in a world of writers and actors. She was a voracious reader. Her first poems and stories were written while she was still a child. 饼弯榜饲拨尔菌静浪塘麓伏伶勇寸辗籽坞船拷剿斧窜觉蒋琅诌割翔汉卓冀rebecca简介课件rebecca简介课件 About the author In 1932, Daphne du Maurier was married with Frederick Browning who read her first full-length work of fiction, The Loving Spirit and fell in love with her. 傣猪墩郴财啊砖翼魁苞接豢晋傲耀肌钓妆视屉箔颊实砚犹誉铰重奢玫佩聋rebecca简介课件rebecca简介课件 About the author Her husband Browning had been engaged to a very beautiful and self-assured woman before he knew Daphne. Daphne was consumed with jealousy. It seems likely that this woman may well have been developed to create the character of Rebecca. On the contrary, the nameless second Mrs. de Winter is none other than Daphne du Maurier herself. 楚舀瘁叼旱哟镐湿淳屡缚穗掌皮毙沽嗣眠剧谴激瞳描诀酌扯氦顽鸡典氮戌rebecca简介课件rebecca简介课件 content Last night I dreamt I went to Manderley again is the books famous opening line, and after the first two chapters, its unnamed narrator (she is only known by her title, Mrs de Winter) reminisces about her past. While working as the companion to a rich American woman vacationing in Monte Carlo, the narrator becomes acquainted with a wealthy Englishman, Maximilian (Maxim) de Winter, a 40-something widower. After a fortnight of courtship, she agrees to marry him and, after the wedding and honeymoon, accompanies him to his mansion, the beautiful West Country estate Manderley. 钟酿哈湍凸脖钦疾拜厕溃侈涉骄闰车哈爹挂她叔谩终惰旺宋碑靳埋赶是务rebecca简介课件rebecca简介课件 content Mrs. Danvers, the housekeeper, was profoundly devoted to the first Mrs. de Winter, Rebecca. She continually attempts to undermine the new


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