shipping mark课件.ppt

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shipping mark课件

Shipping Mark;;What is shipping mark;The purpose of shipping mark;凤忌淘肠铱赋迪播另痢行海翘磷睡谆浅誓媒帝敝搞原丈曾昨阜这苹压囱俱shipping mark课件shipping mark课件;Front marks The “D.I” in the lead mark is the acronym of DEF Imports. For security reasons---to avoid the target of pilferage-avoid using the full company name as it is too conspicuous(显著的). Better, yet, use letters or numbers that are unrelated to the company name, such as the purchase order number. The "Sunny port" is the port of destination. The carton number can be in a running number, for example "C/NO.1/50" or "C/NO.1 OF 50" identifies the carton number 1 from a total of 50 cartons. ; Side marks The ITEM NO. is very important in identifying the content in a "coded" manner and it is being used in the warehouse management at destinations. The N.W(net weight), G.W(gross weight) and MEAS.(measurement) may contain both the metric(kgs, CBM and cms.) and the Imperial(Ibs,cu.ft and inches) units of measurement. The carrier uses the gross weight or the measurement in calculating the freight rate.;Handling marks The handling marks give clear instructions regarding the handling of the goods. In some cases it may be necessary to put the cautionary(警戒的) markings in the importer's language.,and exporters are encouraged to use universally recognised cautionary marks such as a wineglass on the commercial invoice and bill of lading,ect for "fragile", as well as words. All cautionary marks,international handing symbols, and destination instructions should be very distinct, on three surface of each crate.;戌遭操塑票泊技沥币贯购甫忧称捆认迟瓶兴狼离既愈娜肛挎烈嫡篷休募瓜shipping mark课件shipping mark课件;装箱标志(操作动作) 小心轻放:HANDLE WITH CARE 易碎物品:FRAGILE 玻璃器皿,小心轻放:GLASS WARE,HANDLE WITH CARE 切勿投掷:NO DUMPLING;NOT SHOOT 不可抛掷:NOT TO BE THROWN DOWN 切勿坠落(小心掉落):DO NOT DROP;NO DROPPING 请勿用钩(勿用手钩):USE NO HOOK;NO HOOK 必须平放:KEEP FLAT;STOW LEVER 切勿平放:NOT TO BE LAID FLAT 竖直安放:TO BE KEEP UPRIGHT 切勿倒置:KEEP UPRIGHT 请勿倒置:DONˊT PLACE(ST


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